Gluten-Free Heaven Australia - October 2017

(Sean Pound) #1


GUT-HEALING ingredients can
be found in the aisles of our
supermarket or natural health stores.
Be sure to load up on the following:

Fresh cranberries are packed with
phenolic compounds, which help
prevent bacterial overgrowth in the
body. I like to sprinkle the fresh berries
over a tray of oiled root vegetables,
then roast for 30-40 minutes. Mixing
with roasted veggies, especially if they
include a few garlic bulbs, helps balance
out the tartness of the berries.

Pumpkin seeds
These dark-green seeds are a nutritional
powerhouse containing plant protein,
antioxidants called phytosterols, and
a range of minerals including copper,
magnesium and zinc. The large amount
of zinc they contain makes them a
helpful anti-parasitic, reputed to kill off
intestinal parasites.

Garlic contains the natural sulphur
compound allicin, which gets to work
killing parasites and the bad bugs in our
GI tract after about two hours of eating
it. Raw or ‘aged’ garlic is the best. You
can also take garlic capsules or tablets.
Garlic is powerfully antibacterial
and I always take a couple of high-
strength capsules at the first sign of an

infection, reducing the risk of having
to resort to antibiotics. High-strength
garlic supplements, combined with
a tablespoonful of crushed pumpkin
seeds, are an effective natural remedy
for intestinal threadworms.

This is also a good digestive fruit thanks
to its enzyme bromelain, mostly found
in the stalk, which is useful for breaking
down proteins. It also enhances the
effects of our body’s own digestive
enzymes trypsin and pepsin, aiding the
smooth digestion of fatty foods.

Beetroot is a potent blood booster and
re-energiser, as well as a good support
for overall liver health, which in turn
supports our digestion. But if eating
beets every day doesn’t appeal, you can
juice it and add other veg and fruit, or
try making thin beetroot crisps by finely
slicing and roasting.

The spice has been used for thousands
of years and has been found to fight
off some pathogenic microbes. As a
warming medicinal spice, cinnamon
offers antioxidant, anti-inflammatory
and antimicrobial properties. Try
sprinkling it over cut-up root vegetables
before you roast them, or add a
teaspoonful to smoothies, yoghurt, milk,
kefir and nut milks to naturally sweeten.

Good Gut

✓Cleanse your system Consider a gut
cleanse with either bentonite clay or
psyllium husk, to remove waste matter
and any build-up of bad bacteria from
your intestines.
✓Try antimicrobial and antiparasitic herbs
Consider using bitter herbs such as
oregano or wormwood, or grapefruit
seed extract, to kill off any overgrowths
of bad bacteria in your gut. Always read
the labels and follow the directions
carefully. It’s often advised to seek
advice from a naturopath or medical
herbalist, who may prescribe you higher
doses than is normally recommended.
If you do take these intestinal cleansers,
use only for a week or two as their
effects can be powerful. As the bad bugs
die off, you may experience unpleasant
symptoms. This course of action is most
often for those with diagnosed digestive
and gut issues.
✓Try intermittent fasting Something
we can all benefit from. Fasting for a
minimum of 12 hours while drinking
plenty of water, herbal teas and
fermented drinks can give your gut a
rest while promoting more enzymatic
activity. Consider a 24-hour fast (with
plenty of fluids) on a quiet day at home.
✓Love your pantry. Stock up on good-
gut foods.
✓Cut out known gut irritants What
we don’t eat is as important as what
we do. Refined carbs in the form of
pastries, pizzas, cakes and biscuits are
off the menu.

Liz Earle reveals a brand-new plan to

detox, cleanse and nourish the digestive

system to improve your inner health and

outer beauty...

If eating beets every day doesn't appeal, you

can j uice it and add ot her veg or fruit...

The extract and recipes
on pages 114-117 are
taken from The Good
Gut Guide: Delicious
Recipes & a Simple
6-Week Plan for Inner
Health & Outer Beauty
by Liz Earle, published
by Orion Spring.
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