The Washington Post - USA (2022-06-09)

(Antfer) #1








Virtual body doubling can be as
formal as booking your calendar
with sessions hosted by a compa-
ny such as Spacetime Monotask-
ing, or as casual as finding a
friend to FaceTime with while
working on an assignment. You
can find options on YouTube
and most social media plat-
forms by doing a search for
René Brooks, a 37-year-old
blogger based in Gettysburg, Pa.,
known as Black Girl, Lost Keys,
started a virtual support group
for Black women with ADHD on
Monday nights, because that’s
when she does laundry. The ses-
sion isn’t specifically for body
doubling, but Brooks has found
that having other people
“around” — even on video —
makes tedious tasks feel more
doable. By the end of the three-
hour session, “I’ve meal prepped.
I’ve done laundry. I’ve cleaned
my whole house,” she said.
Sloan Burch, a student with
ADHD at Clark University, was
struggling with a paper when a

friend asked her to body double
on Zoom. At the agreed-upon
time, Burch, 23, shared what she
was working on, and her partner
checked in at 30-minute intervals
during the session. Burch com-
pleted her assignment and has
been body doubling ever since.
“Whenever I’m needing to fo-
cus a little bit harder, I’ll find
myself looking over at the screen
and seeing the person there,” she
said. “My brain can mimic what
they’re doing as opposed to find-
ing something else around me to
be distracted by.”
Although there hasn’t been
formal research into body dou-
bling, it is similar to practices
that mental health professionals
recommend. “The term to me was
novel, but the concept is not,”
said Michael Meinzer, director of
the Young Adult and Adolescent
ADHD Services Lab at the Uni-
versity of Illinois at Chicago. He
likened it to the accountability
partnerships that he encourages
students with ADHD to form.
Julie Schweitzer, who leads the

Attention, Impulsivity, Regula-
tion/ADHD Program at the Uni-
versity of California at Davis, said
it reminds her of writing account-
ability groups. “It’s just applying
it to this population who needs it
even more,” she said.
Schweitzer said body doubling
could work as what psychologists
call a “setting event” that consists
of “cues that orient attention.”
When she worked with children
with ADHD, she often asked
where they did their homework.
“I used to hear people say, ‘It’s
better to do it out in the open,
because then I know my mom’s
watching me.’ ”
In fact, friendly surveillance is
so powerful, some people will pay
for it. Spacetime Monotasking’s
subscribers pay $85 per month
for unlimited access to one-hour
sprint and two-hour flow ses-
sions on Zoom, or $10 per drop-in
session. The business grew from
Los Angeles-based co-founder
Anna Pugh’s TikTok account.
That irony is not lost on her:
“It’s like recruiting for AA in


One day in April 2021, Lindsey
Bee decided it was time to deal
with the laundry “doom piles”
that had formed around her
house. So she did what many
people do when faced with
a boring task: She turned to
But she wasn’t there to pro-
crastinate. For an hour, Bee, a
teacher in her 30s, live-streamed
herself sorting the clothes on her
account dedicated to ADHD:
brainsandspoons. As the live
stream went on, viewers jumped
in to do their own laundry “with”
“Everybody was so encourag-
ing,” said Bee, who learned she
has ADHD as an adult. “It made it
really feel like a group project,
not just me by myself on camera.
It definitely made the time go by
The ADHD community calls
the practice “body doubling.”
The phenomenon isn’t entirely
new. We often body double with-
out realizing it. You might ven-
ture to a coffee shop to work
alongside strangers or seek out
the energy provided by others at
the gym. “When you think about
it, office spaces, a lot of times, are
just body doubling. You’re just
mirroring the people around
you,” Bee says.
In the past couple of years,
though, working in shared spaces
has become less common. The
coronavirus pandemic has kept
people out of coffee shops, emp-
tied offices of colleagues and
filled our private spaces with
work. For those with ADHD —
who struggle with executive
functioning skills such as start-
ing, completing and staying on
task — a structureless, solo set-
ting can be particularly challeng-
ing. Even people who don’t have
ADHD might find their attention
fractured in an environment
where work and life have merged
into one big, digital blur.
Recently, more people have
been body doubling online. An
ADHD community has flour-
ished on TikTok, popularizing the
term and a cottage industry of
influencers such as Bee, who has
114,000 followers. She pops onto
TikTok to clean, hosts Discord
co-working sessions and even
created a short video of herself
doing her bedtime routine
that her followers can watch for
motivation to get ready for bed
In this way, people with ADHD
are finding a feeling of “presence”
in their computer screens, a
sense of social accountability
while alone in a room and a way
to focus with the help of devic-
es known for their distractions.

the liquor store,” she said.
Pugh, 34, begins the sessions
by asking everyone to state their
goals and has found participants
using the time not only for ordi-
nary work but also to clean their
kitchens or go for a run. “During
tax season, seeing everybody
struggling with pulling their tax-
es together just kind of normal-
ized it. That was a really powerful
experience,” she said. “We might
think, ‘There’s something wrong
with me for not being able to do
this thing on my own.’ But the
reality is, sometimes you need
another person’s presence.”
Will Canu, a psychology pro-
fessor who researches attention-
deficit disorders at Appalachian
State University, doesn’t underes-
timate the sway of these social
forces. “We have a little extra
motivation to work when we
publicly make a commitment to
someone else,” he said. There is
an “implicit social reward.”
For Brooks, socializing is part
of the point. “It’s like the commu-
nal nature that you see when
you’re looking at work that’s tra-
ditionally done by women, like
churning butter, shelling peas in
circles, that kind of thing. That is
absolutely body doubling,” she
said. “We’re not just there for the
sake of the activity. We’re also
there for the social connections
that we make.”
One-sided social connections,
or “parasocial relationships,” can
be powerful, too. Many partici-
pants body double without even
knowing the person on the other
Allie K. Campbell, a 32-year-
old self-described “productivity
junkie,” hosts body-doubling ses-
sions on TikTok that draw thou-
sands of viewers. Based in New
Jersey and diagnosed with ADHD
as a kid, Campbell uses the Po-
modoro Technique and curated
playlists to help her stay on track
while working on projects for her
remote marketing job. She also
banters with her viewers, who
occasionally tell her to get back to
She recalled one viewer saying
they got more done in 30 minutes
in her session than in the entire
week before. “They were like,
‘What is this black magic that
you’re doing here?’ ”
Rather than witchcraft, Camp-
bell’s videos might just be a
natural extension of TikTok,
which got its start with people
imitating dances. “I have to get
my work done,” Campbell said. “I
might as well do it in front of a
live audience.”

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‘Body doubling,’ an ADHD productivity tool, is flourishing online

People are using virtual spaces and live streams to help them stay motivated while doing tasks.
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