Australian Homespun — October 2017

(Ann) #1
using Dark Olive Green (281), adding
detached chain (lazy daisy) stitches
for the leaves. The lettering is worked
in the same manner as in Step 18 but
using Very Dark Brick (1014). Remove
the pen marks as before.

Seed packets


Locate the carrot, marigold and
radish templates on the Pattern
Sheet and trace the shapes onto the
paper side of the fusible web with a
pencil, leaving at least^1 ⁄ 2 in between
them. Cut the shapes out roughly and
fuse them to the wrong side of the
selected fabrics. Cut out each shape
carefully on the pencil line.


Peel the backing paper off the
shapes and referring to the
photograph as a guide, fuse them to
the 3 x 4in beige tone-on-tone


Using the pigment pen, trace
the seed packet lettering onto
the beige rectangles. Using the fabric-
marking pen, trace the carrot top, and
radish top and tail. Work blanket stitch
around the appliqués using Very Dark
Brick (1014). Work the lettering in the
same manner as before using one
strand of Ultra Dark Brick (1015).
Backstitch the carrot and radish tops
in Dark Olive Green (281) and the
radish tail in Very Dark Brick (1014).
Remove the pen marks as before.

Seed packets


Sew a 1 x 4in medium pink
fl oral print strip to the left
and right edges of each seed packet
appliquéd background. Press the
seams outwards. Then sew the
matching strips to the top and
bottom edges of the seed packets
and press the seams outwards.


For each seed packet, lay a
4 x 5in batting rectangle on a
fl at surface, lay a 4 x 5in medium pink
fl oral print rectangle on top, right side
up, and then lay the seed packet
appliquéd background on top, right
side down. Pin and sew around the
edges, leaving an opening for
turning. Turn the seed packet right
side out and slipstitch the opening
closed. Work running stitch^1 ⁄ 8 in in
from the border seam using Very Dark
Brick (1014). Sew the beige button in
the centre of the marigold, referring
to the photograph as a guide.


Sew the 5^1 ⁄ 2 x 22in light pink
fl oral print strip to the 4^1 ⁄ 2 x
22in dark rust print strip. Press the
seam towards the lighter fabric. Fold
the joined fabric in half, right sides
together and short edges matching,
and pin so that the seam is aligned.


Place the three tool templates
on the fabric with the handles
on the light fabric and the tools on
the dark fabric. Leave^1 ⁄ 2 in between
the templates. Trace around the
templates using the pencil.


Change the stitch length on
your machine to very short and
sew on the traced lines, leaving an
opening in the straight edge of the
handles for turning. Sew over the
seams where the handles join the tools
to reinforce them. Cut out each tool
carefully^1 ⁄ 4 in outside the unsewn
opening and^1 ⁄ 8 in outside the stitching
around the remainder of the shapes.


Turn each tool right side out.
Val recommends using a pair
of fl at-end tweezers to pull the fabric
through narrow areas. Stuff each tool
fi rmly with fi bre fi ll and slipstitch the
openings closed.



Fuse the interfacing to the
wrong side of the embroidered
half of the shelf. Refold the shelf in
half, wrong sides together.


On the 15^1 ⁄ 2 x 12^1 ⁄ 2 in front
cupboard rectangle, measure
and mark a line 5in down from the
top. With right sides together, pin the
shelf to the cupboard with the raw
edges on this line. See Diagram 1.
Stitch the shelf to the cupboard^1 ⁄ 4 in
Steps 26-27 below the line.

80 Homespun

HSP1810_p076-084_Gardening Games PROJECT.indd 80HSP1810_p076-084_Gardening Games PROJECT.indd 80 8/21/2017 10:11:11 AM8/21/2017 10:11:11 AM

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