Diagram 1 Diagram 2
Fold the shelf back up so that
the embroidered side is facing
up and the folded edge is towards
the top of the cupboard. Pin it to the
sides of the cupboard and press.
Sew the side seams using a^1 ⁄ 8 in
allowance. Refer to Diagram 2.
Fold the medium rust leaf
print inner trim strips in half,
wrong sides together and long edges
matching and press. Pin a 12^1 ⁄ 2 in
folded inner trim to the top and
bottom edges of the cupboard,
aligning raw edges, and sew them
in place using a^1 ⁄ 8 in seam. Sew the
151 ⁄ 2 in strips to the left and right
edges in the same manner.
Sew the 1^1 ⁄ 2 x 15^1 ⁄ 2 in light pink
fl oral print strips to the left and
right edges of the cupboard. You will
be sandwiching the inner trim strips
between these strips and the
cupboard rectangle. Press seams
outwards. Sew the 1^1 ⁄ 2 x 14^1 ⁄ 2 in strip
to the bottom edge of the cupboard,
again sandwiching the inner trim
strip. Press seams outwards.
Sew the 1 x 14^1 ⁄ 2 in pale lime
tone-on-tone fl oral print strip
to the bottom of the cupboard and then
the 1 x 17in pale line tone-on-tone fl oral
print strips to the left and right edges
of the cupboard. Press seams outwards.
Sew the appliquéd cupboard top to the
top edge, sandwiching the inner trim
strip between it and the cupboard.
Press seams outwards.
Mark quilting lines on the
cupboard by fi nding its centre
and then marking a vertical line 2in
to both the left and right of the centre.
Place the batting on a fl at
surface, then place the
cupboard on top, right side up. Pin
the two layers together and cut the
batting even with the edges of the
Unpin the two layers and
repeat Step 37 to cut the
homespun for the backing.
Lay the batting down on a fl at
surface, then the backing right
side up, then the cupboard right side
down. Pin the three layers together
and sew around the outer edge,
leaving a 5in opening for turning in
the bottom of the wallhanging. Turn
the wallhanging right side out and
press. Slipstitch the opening closed.
Using clear monofi lament
thread, stitch in the ditch
of all the seams, including the shelf.
Quilt down the two vertical lines and
quilt around the cupboard top
appliqué. Using Ultra Dark Brick
(1015), work running stitch across
the cupboard just under the shelf.
Sew a stripe button in the
centre of each of the three
panels, 1in below the shelf. Sew the
fl ower button in the middle of the
trowel and pull tightly to form a
concave shape. Thread a length of
Ecru in the large-eye needle and form
a 2^1 ⁄ 2 in hanging loop in the top of the
three tools, anchoring the loops well
with backstitches.
Cut the Velcro into two^3 ⁄ 4 in
strips and sew the hard loop
strips to the cupboard^3 ⁄ 8 in below
the shelf on each of the two vertical
lines of quilting.
Using a length of Ecru, work
gathering stitch^1 ⁄ 4 in from the
raw edge of each of the two circles
for the fl owers. Stuff each circle
fi rmly with fi bre fi ll as you pull the
threads to gather the edges up
tightly. Secure the threads well but
don’t cut them yet.
Using the same thread, take
the needle through the top of
the fl ower and pull it up again in the
82 Homespun
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