New Idea — 14 August 2017

(vip2019) #1


Mary and Fred’s

Princess Mary’s friendship with
her oldest friend, Amber Petty,
is facing a new scandal. The^
Adelaide socialite recently
revealed she’d be appearing
in a UK reality show, which
sees contestants pick up

potential dates
on the street.
Amber posted an Instagram
pic of herself being kissed by
a stranger with the caption: ‘Did^
I mention I ended up on a dating
show in the UK today?’
It’s left Mary concerned.
‘Queen Margrethe has always
been nervous about their
friendship, worried Amber will
use the royal family for her own
gain,’ says a source. ‘The reality
show is only going to cause
scandal and drama for Mary.’



So in love! The
Danish heirs share
a tender kiss.

So in love! The
Danish heirs share
a tender kiss.

Tensions are rising
between Mary and
her oldest friend.

a possible
suitor on a
UK reality

sources tell New Idea that the
couple were keen to enjoy one last
holiday as a family of six, with
rumours of a new arrival reaching
fever pitch in recent weeks.
‘Everyone is waiting for
a baby announcement,’ an insider
reveals. ‘Mary was careful to
cover her belly or wear a dark
swimsuit that minimised her
baby bump, but there was no
hiding how in love she and
Fred are. They were always
holding hands or touching, like
newlyweds. People are saying
that all this baby talk has put the
romance back in their marriage.
‘They spent the whole holiday
swimming or lying together in
the sun, watching their children
play in the water.
‘While many couples who
are expecting a baby together
may holiday alone, Mary and
Fred have always followed
their own rules.
‘They’re staying tight-lipped
on the baby whispers, but if they

were expecting a baby, I’m sure
they’d want to involve their
family as much as possible. Their
children are everything to them.’
Mary looked incredible
during the week-long getaway,
which saw her parade an array
of gorgeous, flattering frocks
and swimsuits.
While the Aussie princess
was warned to slow down after
a health scare in the possible
early months of her pregnancy,
she was last week spotted
playing a casual game of tennis.
‘Keeping fit is very important
to Mary,’ the source explains.
‘She loves all forms of exercise
and it’s her secret to staying
so active and looking so good
for her age.
‘Whether she’s pregnant
or not, Mary knows how
important it is to look after
your body – and Fred loves
that about her.
‘It’s no wonder he can’t
Photo of Amber on dating show: keep his hands off her!’



MARY & FRED.indd 7 3/8/17 4:40 PM
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