New Idea — 14 August 2017

(vip2019) #1


eading increasingly
separate lives for the
better part of the past
year, Nicole Kidman
and Keith Urban
thought they had the long-
distance thing down pat. But
their cross-continental bliss
has come to a screeching halt.
Spotted getting cosy with
director pal Garth Davis at the
Sydney premiere of her show
Top Of The Lake, Nicole, 50,
effectively ended the commitment
she and Keith, 49, made to make
their marriage work while their
careers kept them apart.
‘When Nicole and Garth said
hello and goodbye, they shared
a very lingering embrace,’ an
onlooker tells New Idea.

‘They’re obviously close friends
who have a lot of affection and
respect for each other.’
Exclusive images obtained by
New Idea show the pair sharing
several embraces and flirting
openly, with Garth barely able
to tear his eyes away from Nic as
they dined at exclusive Sydney
restaurant Bennelong.
It’s the latest in a friendship
that’s already attracted headlines

  • and concern from country
    singer Keith. While the dad-of-
    two – who’s currently on tour –
    knows there’s nothing going on
    between his wife and married
    Garth, sources tell New Idea he’s
    sure to be furious over the photos.
    ‘Nicole and Garth have a long
    history and have been close

friends for years,’ an insider says.
‘He knows there’s nothing
going on between them. Their
relationship is purely professional.
But I’m sure he’ll still be furious
over these new pics, especially
given that Keith and Nicole had
words after the last time she was
caught flirting in public with
Garth. He thinks it’s not a good
look, and only attracts scandal.’
Having ditched their ‘no more
than seven days apart’ rule last
year when Nicole’s filming
clashed with Keith’s tour, the pair
managed to forge a new normal

  • keeping their love strong
    despite extended periods apart.
    But the latest photos have the pair
    questioning if their relationship
    can withstand the strain.

‘What makes it annoying for
Keith is that when he’s on tour,
he’s always careful not to pose for
photos with gorgeous women or
pretty fans, which might upset
Nicole or be misconstrued.
‘He is careful not to be seen
flirting because he doesn’t want
to embarrass his wife, but Nicole
isn’t as careful. It’s disrespectful.’
Nic and Garth first attracted
headlines after their flirtatious
behaviour on the promotional
trail for Lion last year.
Nicole was snapped leaning
her head on Garth’s shoulder and
gazing admiringly at him at a
string of events, raising eyebrows.
As well as directing Nicole in
Lion – which saw her nominated
for an Oscar – Garth has also





While the star
trusts his wife,
he knows the
pictures will
spark rumours.

While the star
trusts his wife,
he knows the
pictures will
spark rumours.




NICOLE.indd 8 3/8/17 6:27 PM

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