Old Bike Australasia — Issue 68 2017

(Marcin) #1


Developed fromthe earlier air-cooled TSS road
racers, the Metralla Mk2 was considered by many to
be the fastest 250cc standard road bike in the World
in 1966 – 67, listed at 103mph. This was certainly
achievable, but the bike had to be in perfect tune, a
cool overcast day, a long straight stretch of road and
a jockey-sized rider lying down on the tank! It was
only a matter of time before race kits (called “Kit
America”, as they were originally designed for the
American market) and fully race kitted bikes
became available for production/clubman racing,
with many successes achieved world wide.
Bultaco firstly made a hand full of special
factory Metralla Mk2 race kitted bikes in 1966-67 for
selected riders and events; these are the Holy Grail
for any keen Metralla enthusiast. In 2001 I was very
fortunate to find one of these special bikes in
Wangaratta, Victoria where it had been hidden for
15 years or so, languishing in a garage, apart from
an outing at Phillip Island. Little did I realise I would
be unexpectedly offered the chance to buy the bike
by the owner Ken Lucas. So after selling my soul I
am now the proud owner of a very rare and special
piece of Bultaco racing history – the bike was raced
by Tommy Robb into second place in the 1967 Isle
of Man 250cc Production TT. Bultacos also came first,
ridden by Bill Smith and sixth, ridden by Aussie
Kevin Cass. The shattering performance of these

The appearance of the Bultaco Metralla Mk2 in 1966 heralded

a new level of performance and handling in a standard 250cc

road bike that was available to the general public – or at least

to “those in the know” about this relatively rare machine:

only 5,508 were ever made, compared to the millions of

their Japanese opposition.

TOP LEFT Tommy Robb heads for
second place in the 1967 TT.
TOP RIGHT 250cc Production TT
winner Bill Smith.
ABOVE Robb rounds Quarter Bridge
during the Production TT.
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