Old Bike Australasia — Issue 68 2017

(Marcin) #1

Welcome to Old Bike Australasia Out’n’about

  • a forum of people, places, history and happenings.

All aboard the

VJMC Kiwi tour

IN NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2018, the VJMC is organizing
the Wings, Wheels and Going Loco Tour – a grand tour
of New Zealand’s finest transport museums. The tour
begins on November 21 when everyone arrives at
Auckland airport from various Australian capital cities,
and over the next 14 days covers all sorts of museums,
restaurants, tourist attractions in the north island
before flying from Wellington to Christchurch. Then it’s
down to Invercargill with several overnight sops along
the way and back up the west coast to Christchurch for
return flights to Australia. At this stage pricing is
expected to be in the region of Aust$4,500 per person
twin share for the NZ tour including the internal flight,
plus air fares from Australia. To register your interest
email [email protected]

From creekto concours

I have enclosedtwo photos of a 1953 350
MAC Velocette which I bought from a Qantas
fellow. It had been pulled out of a Malaysian
creek, it was completely rusted up and many parts
were missing including the clutch. I fully restored
it and rode it to the Rusty Iron Rally where it won
the trophy for the best restored bike. The car
owners judged the bikes and the bike blokes
judged the cars.Brian Bobin Fredericton NSW

More Moorebank memories

With the Moorebank circuit reunion fast approaching
(18th November), it was timely to receive a set of very nice
photographs of the track, scanned by Dennis Quinlan from
scrapbooks assembled by the late Maurie Pearson. Maurie was
a fan of motorcycle racing of all types and like just about every
other enthusiast in Sydney, regularly attended the meetings at
Moorebank, held on army property. These two photos from the
collection are quite significant in that they show two stalwarts
of the track, Sgt. Eric Moore and Arthur Blizzard. The Moorebank
reunion is shaping up to be a great night, so for bookings and
further information, Em: [email protected]
or contact Bob 0412 336 852 or Phil 0419 258 446. 

ABOVE Another 1955 shot
showing Sgt. Eric Moore,
winner of the NSW Sidecar
Championship. Eric was
a co-founder of the track
and a member of the
Army Motor Cycle Cub.

BELOW Arthur Blizzard (114)
sidesteps a stranded rival
in a 1955 mudbath.
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