Australian Street Rodding — November 2017

(Dana P.) #1

84 ASR 328^ http://www.graffi

top left: Tony Parker’s own ’46 Ford coupe has recently been
given a birthday with a fresh coat of orange paint.
above left: Cragar wheels, small block Ford running gear and red
upholstery feature in the Redback T bucket of Ian Howat.
left: This neat 1938 Ford delivery was entered by Stewart Gray.

This years Lazy Winter Rod Run was not much different
to last year apart from entrants turning up a couple of
days before it started.
Friday afternoon saw registrations followed by a
barbecue with refreshments supplied and like every year
on the Friday, it rained, but that did not seem to upset too
many people. They just hung around the park ’til late at
night catching up with friends.
Some entrants were grateful for the late start on
Saturday after the shenanigans of the previous evening
but by 10:00am it was time to head off on the observation
run. A 12 kilometre cruise to the local Moonee Tavern
ended in a roped off area for the show and shine to take
place. The Moonee Tavern catered lunch for the rodders
and there were enough other food options in the area to
keep everyone happy.
After lunch everybody made their way back to Coffs
Harbour for afternoon tea. Everyone seemed to enjoy the
day as well as the evening meal that was catered for by
The Roving Roast.
An auction was held by Clarkie from the New England
Rods & Customs in the main hall after dinner and never
let up on anyone who moved. A good night was had by all.
Sunday morning breakfast was supplied early so
presentations could take place at around 9:00am. Once
the tinware was handed out farewells were shared and
rodders headed for home.
Thanks must go to the members of the Mid North
Coast Hot Rod Club and Michael “Clarkie” as he is known.
Thanks also to the sponsors and all the entrants for a
great weekend.

Lazy Winter Run

The Mid-North Coast Hot Rod Club’s 17th shindig...

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