Cosmopolitan Australia — November 2017

(Kiana) #1


Lady Luck, aka Jupiter, is hanging around right now,
making for a very fortuitous month ahead!

SAGITTARIUS 23.11 -22.12
Be bold babe. The Sun enters
your sign on the 21st, giving you
momentum and a major self-
esteem bump. Mercury goes
retrograde next month, so take
hold of your energy and be clear
about your desires – you may
need to fight for them.
have his back right now, ’cos he
needs your help on a big choice.

CAPRICORN 23.12-20.01
Your squad is your main priority
at the moment, but open your
heart and look out for lurve when
the Full Moon on the 3rd enters
your zone of romance. Indulge
in self-care around the 21st. A
hot bath, candles and some down-
there fun will do the trick!
CAPRICORN GUY: Your boy may
be busy AF, but plan something
surprising and he’ll drop it all.

AQUARIUS 21.01-19.02
Abundant Venus and lucky
Jupiter meet in your zone of
fame and success on the 13th,
a perfect opportunity to take a
risk and try to dazzle your boss.
Come the 25th, you’ll be craving
serious gal pal time, so plan a
get-together with the ladies.
AQUARIUS GUY: He’s calling the
shots at work but when you ask
for sexy time, he’ll bow down.

PISCES 20.02-20.03
Harness your confidence on the
16th, an ideal day to make a move
on a crush. Trust yourself on the
19th, when money issues crop
up. But have no fear: work life is
on the fast track, so you won’t
be in Brokesville for long.
PISCES GUY: Wanderlust has
consumed him. Drop everything,
pack light and get out of town
for the weekend.

CANCER 22.06-22.07
Romance is coming for you this
month, especially on the 7th when
Venus moves into your zone of
true love. If you’re single, take
friends up on their offer for a
set-up. If you’re already hitched,
you could know if it’s the real
deal by the 19th.
CANCER GUY: He’s feeling lovey-
dovey. Spin those cuddles into a
full-on frisky-fest.

ARIES 21.03-20.04
Grab the reins and hold on tight

  • this month could serve up some
    intense moments. Your ruler, Mars,
    is in your zone of relationships –
    and you may be pushed to ask
    some tough questions at work.
    After the 19th, you’ll have the
    answers you need to make
    decisions like a bawss.
    ARIES GUY: Don’t let his moodiness
    throw you off. Talk about your ish.

TAURUS 21.04-21.05
Hello, lovers... On the 4th, the
annual Full Moon in your sign will
ignite your killer charm. Things
will get hot and heavy on the 13th
when Venus unites with Jupiter.
Use it all to go after who – and
what – you need from nine-to-
five, on the dancefloor and in
the nude.
TAURUS GUY: He is all about
wooing you, so sit back and enjoy.

GEMINI 22.05-21.06
Make your to-do list your bitch!
Check off your boxes and conquer
what’s right in front of you. Your
intuition is right on the mark
around the 4th, so trust that gut.
Verbal Mercury moves into your
relationship zone on the 5th and
will help you find the words to
talk through any awkward sitch.
GEMINI GUY: Share his health
goals and get sweaty doing yoga.

LEO 23.07-23.08
Own the room when you have a
chance to shine at work on the
4th. Then turn your attention to
your personal rooms, and spend
the rest of your month focused
on feathering your nest. That may
mean redecorating, sprucing
things up, or gathering every-
one for a night of fun.
LEO GUY: Staycation vibes rule
RN. Pyjama(less) party for two?

VIRGO 24.08-23.09
Have you ever been so busy?!
Stay organised during this whirl-
wind month – multi-task like a
pro! After the 21st, your family
may demand a lot from you, but
be patient and use your words.
VIRGO GUY: He’s overwhelmed
in all the worst ways, but when
he sees you kicking arse and
taking names, he’ll be inspired
to get his life under control.

LIBRA 24.09-23.10
Assertive Mars is in your sign
and helping you be your most
boss self. Ask for what’s yours
and don’t be afraid to get it.
Watch for romance on the 11th.
By the end of the month your
social calendar will be packed.
LIBRA GUY: His ambition levels
are at an all-time high. Have a
long talk to see if your dreams
truly align. #

DICAPRIO, 11.11.74


SCORPIO 24.10 -22.11
On the 13th, lucky Jupiter will
unite with Venus, which brings
all good things. Take advantage
of the clarity the New Moon gives
on the 18th to think about your
dreams for the year ahead. There
has never been a better time to
manifest your destiny.
SCORPIO GUY: He’s looking for a
compassionate and giving partner
who adores intimate convos.



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