Better Homes and Gardens Australia — December 2017

(John Hannent) #1
The product
most recommended
by GPs for
scars & stretch
*ACA Research HCP Study,
Jan 2017, n=1554

“I have only started using Bio-Oil in the last couple of months

and the difference to my skin is remarkable. Due to gaining and
then losing a lot of weight over the last 10 years, I have quite a

lot of stretch marks across my hips, stomach, thighs and butt. They
have all faded noticeably and my skin tone improved after using

Bio-Oil morning and night for about 6-8 weeks. My self-esteem has
improved because I’m now much happier with what I see in the

mirror... and no other product has ever helped with that. So,
sincerely, thanks.”

Shirley Graham

Free download pdf