Better Homes and Gardens Australia — December 2017

(John Hannent) #1



ne of the
ways to
create a
sense of calm and
order in your frenetic
world is to clear out
clutter. Room by room,
carefully sorting,
organising and just
plain tossing out
stuff that no longer
brings you comfort
and joy will give
you much needed
breathing space.

Some of us tote
our past around in
the form of old love
letters, ticket stubs,
airline tickets and
every piece of
artwork by the kids.
Absolutely nothing
wrong with that, but
keep it together in a
couple of beautiful
storage boxes
or get creative
and display your
favourite cards,
pics or tickets in
an artsy frame.

clutter control


Whether it’s your undies drawer or your whole dang house, getting possessions under
control frees precious time and energy and helps restore your sanity!

Photography Getty Images


There’s everyday clutter that results
from failure to tidy as you go; the
laundry that never makes it from basket
to closet, stacks of magazines you’ll
get around to reading one day, junk
mail you’ll sort when you get a sec.
But it’s also excessive possessions,
or too much stuff in too little space. As

  • Target problem areas. You’ll need
    a plan. Work out which spaces need
    attention then decide how to tackle
    each one. Decide what to keep, donate/
    recycle or bin. Be ready with storage
    boxes, containers and garbage bags.
    Heck, you may even have to rent a skip!

  • Commit to the 10-minute tidy-up.
    Devoting 10 minutes a day to picking
    up and putting away is an effective way
    to avoid returning to the clutter trap.

    • Get storage savvy. Be creative.
      Tubs, baskets, stackable cubes,
      hanging organisers for shoes, bags,
      jumpers or just about anything else
      can create instant extra space.

    • Start small. Attack one space at a time
      and stick at it until it’s done. Resolve
      not to be distracted by shiny objects!

    • Designate. Unless you live solo, the
      load should be shared. Call a family
      meeting to whip lazy butts into shape!


modern consumers, we love to gather
‘things’ about us. Whether it’s clothes,
shoes, handbags, kitchen gadgets
and small appliances, electronic
devices or toys for the kids, we’re a
‘see it, love it, gotta have it’ society.

Unwittingly though, allowing clutter
to creep in and slowly take over can
trigger a low hum of anxiety. Maybe
you feel it when you can never find
what you’re looking for or when you’ve
literally run out of places to put stuff.
Perhaps there’s that one room you
walk into only to turn heel and walk
right back out because you just can’t
face it. (You know that room or closet,
it’s the one where you shove stuff in,
close the door and hope for the best!)
A bad case of clutter doesn’t mean
you’re lazy or disorganised, it more
likely says you’re busy with priorities.
However, it’s a promise that when
you get on top of clutter, you’ll be
more in control of so much else!
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