Better Homes and Gardens Australia — December 2017

(John Hannent) #1

in the garden

Photography Tony Fawcett, Adobe Stock. Prices are approximate and a guide only

Prepare for a dazzling
summer with random
plantings of geranium,
vinca and impatiens. Do it
now and they’ll bloom their
heads off by the new year.
Check out the stunning
hydrangeas now in
nurseries and choose
a couple for an indoor
colour-up over Christmas.
They’ll need plenty of
light and regular water
to be right for a few days
indoors before being
moved back outside.
Give drip systems the
once over to check they’re
working properly and
each plant gets its share.
Keep fruit trees happy
over warmer days with
regular water. As a treat,
sprinkle potash around

finishes. Repeat-flowering
roses can also be lightly
pruned to encourage a
repeat show in autumn.
Blanket sow cosmos seed
in bare patches of garden.
Come late summer you’ll

have a vibrant carpet of
daisy-like blooms. For big
impact, choose a mix with
different coloured blooms.
Be alert to caterpillars
munching through your
vegie patch. Spray with
an insecticide or simply
flick them off with a
finger and squash.
Don’t leave hoses lying in
the sun as temperatures
soar. Not only will the
hot water in them scald
plants, they will start to
wear and perish faster.
Give companion planting
a go with marigold, blue
borage and ageratum
among your vegies. They’ll
look good and lure in lots
of pollinating insects.
Keep tomatoes happy
by watering regularly,
fertilising often once fruit
appears and pinching
out the growing tips to
encourage bushiness.
Get in early if planning a
summer holiday by lining
up a neighbour to do a
spot of watering and to
keep an eye on things.

what’s on
Soak up the scent with
a stroll through the
lavender at Victoria’s
Warratina Lavender
Farm open day
(November 18-19).
Take in craft demos,
stalls, music and even
lavender scones. The
farm is at Wandin
Yallock, about an hour
from Melbourne in
the Dandenongs. Visit
au. Entry is $10 adults,
$25 family, under 12s
free, with proceeds
to the Country
Fire Authority

mini pond
Set the scene for summer living with
an instant water feature. Simply fill
a container with water then add
flowers. Easy! A galvanised bucket
with wooden handle makes a great
portable pond with a rustic feel.
And don’t forget to float a candle
to light for extra ambience when
the sun goes down. For a real pond
look, add water lilies and floating
plants such as fairy moss.

by growing a few
colourful chillies
among the

trees to encourage sweeter
fruit, and water in with
a seaweed solution.
Be proactive and prune
back once-flowering spring
roses as soon as blooming

A society
grows great
when old men
plant trees
whose shade
they know
they shall
never sit




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