Yours Australia — Issue 97 2017

(sharon) #1

Pet peeves


ebecca had a real soft spot
for Phil’s rabbit. She stroked
his velvety black ears. “He’s
adorable, Phil. Whatever
possessed you to call him Darth?”
Phil chuckled. “My son was in his
Star Wars phase. Anyway, what sort of
a silly name is Moon?”
“Speak of the devil! I thought I’d
shut the door.” Rebecca watched her
sleek, white cat prance down the path,
unfazed by the new surroundings, it
seemed. “They’re finally going to meet.”
Darth was behind them. Moon didn’t
spot him until she got close, and when
she did, she froze, astonished. She’d
never seen a rabbit before! The tip of
her tail twitched with interest. Darth
must’ve looked a bit like a giant mouse.
Darth also froze, poised for the kill,
although unfortunately neither Moon
nor Rebecca could read the signs.
Moon didn’t like the way Darth was
staring at her. Hadn’t anyone told him
it was rude to stare? She blinked and
looked away. Nearby, a buttercup
bobbed in the breeze: a far better
prospect for a pounce.
Seeing his chance, Darth leapt
through the air, his barrel-like body
propelled by powerful hind legs.
Instinctively, Rebecca brought her
hand between them and Darth’s sharp
front teeth sank into her finger!
“I’m so sorry,” Phil said, once
Rebecca’s finger was cleaned and
bandaged. “I feel awful.”
“Darth didn’t mean it,” Rebecca said.
“I shouldn’t have put my hand there
like that.” Moon was curled in her
lap, her low purr working its magic
on Rebecca’s racing heart.
Phil sighed. “We should’ve
introduced them more gradually.”
Moon’s ears twitched. Rebecca
followed her gaze to see Darth’s furry,
black face peering through the closed

patio windows. “Darth wants to come
in,” she said.
“Sorry, Darth,” Phil said. “You’ll have
to stay out for now.”
Rebecca lifted Moon into the chair.
“I’ll make a start on dinner.”
Phil jumped up. “I’ll do dinner,” he
said. “You finish unpacking.”
Upstairs in Phil’s bedroom (their
bedroom, Rebecca reminded herself )
her suitcases lay unzipped on the
carpet. She opened the wardrobe,
shifted Phil’s clothes to one side
and began hanging hers.
It had taken Phil ages to ask her to
move in with her. She was so excited
to be starting a new life with him.
With a little mew to announce her
arrival, Moon slipped into the room.
“Not bad, eh?” Rebecca said. “It’ll
soon feel like home.”
Moon showed her approval with
a lazy yawn, before stretching out on
the carpet in a patch of sunlight.
Rebecca eyed the hideous bedspread.
Now at last she could get rid of it.
“Delicious,” Rebecca said as she
tucked into Phil’s lamb chops.
“Nothing better than a nice bit of
red meat,” Phil said.
“Fish and white meat are better for
you,” Rebecca pointed out gently. Phil
had the beginnings of a tummy, which
she intended to work on now that they
were living together. She made a mental
note to buy some chicken tomorrow,
along with a new bedspread. “Is James
coming up this weekend?”
“No, he can’t make it.”
“That’s a shame.” Rebecca patted
Phil’s arm. It seemed his son preferred
hanging out with his friends. “You’ll
have to make do with me, instead.”
Phil smiled. “I can manage that.”
“Let’s have breakfast out on the
patio,” Rebecca said in the morning.

“Great idea.” Phil unlocked the doors
while she made coffee.
“Oh no!” Rebecca cried.
Moon had escaped! Rebecca watched
her pick her way along the fence and
leap onto Darth’s hutch. Darth hopped
out and quick as a flash, Moon’s paw
swung down to bat his ear. Darth
sprang in the air in fright.
Rebecca stifled her laughter. When
he spotted his tormentor, Darth hopped
round the hutch, trying in vain to get
at her. Tail swishing, Moon slunk back
along the fence.
✤ ✤ ✤
“They’re at it again,” Rebecca
said later. “How did Moon get out
this time?”
“Kitchen window, probably,” Phil
said. Back and forth the two animals
streaked across the lawn, black versus
white, like the forces of good and evil,
although in this case Rebecca wasn’t
sure who was the baddie.
Moon was quick to realise the giant
mouse couldn’t climb. Whenever Darth

Learning to share a space can take a little adjustment




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