Yours Australia — Issue 97 2017

(sharon) #1




It’s in the

MAR 21-APR 20
Aries aren’t really
big on lip service but
flattery will get you
everywhere, with
a well-timed compliment or subtle
suggestion holding you in good stead.
Meanwhile, loving Venus moves into your
relationship while a new moon, also here
on the 20th, fans the flames of romance.
Tell partners what it is you really want.

APR 21-MAY 21
Jupiter has moved into
your relationship sector,
where it will stay for
the next year – and
that can only mean you’ll be lucky in love!
This is also the perfect time to travel
extensively with your partner, fall in
love with a sexy foreigner or take an
overseas sabbatical.
Make amends with a colleague or neighbour.

MAY 22-JUN 21
Sensual Venus is
visiting your leisure
sector, encouraging
you to immerse
yourself in earthly pleasures. Cooking for
guests, painting, writing or gardening will
be perfect stress-busters. A scented hot
bath or massage with your partner will
also be a lovely way to decompress.
Begin a passion project around the 20th.

JUN 22-JUL 23
Hibernation will be
deliciously appealing
to homebody crabs as
Venus nestles into your
domestic sector. The relaxed atmosphere
is ripe for quality time with family, having
friends over, or a refurb. Romantically,
you’ll be receptive, affectionate and
willing to please. Life’s less complicated!
Enjoy the simple things life has to offer.

JUL 24-AUG 23
There’s no such thing
as coincidence. Open
your eyes, recognise
cosmic symbols and
don’t dismiss any odd occurrences. If you
run into someone from your past, under
unusual circumstances or consecutively,
keep talking until you decipher why your
paths crossed. It may enlighten.
Roll with last-minute changes to plans.

AUG 24-SEP 23
Venus brings relief
and prosperity to your
finance zone, giving
you breathing space to
spend on the tasteful luxuries you adore!
This placement is also fortuitous in terms
of real estate ventures. If you’re thinking
about investing, expanding or selling, take
steps around the 20th’s new moon.
Re-evaluate the sentimental worth of an item.

SEP 24-OCT 23
You’re effortlessly
stylish but if you
haven’t recently been
pampering yourself
ruler Venus in your sign gives you the ideal
excuse. Under her indulgent influence it’ll
be hard to deny yourself anything, so live
it up! Confidence and allure soar; make
the most of social opportunities.
Take advice with a pinch of salt.

OCT 24-NOV 22
Jolly Jupiter has moved
into your sign, where it
will remain for an entire
year! Apart from feeling
lighter than usual you’ll also be more
receptive to change and won’t be quick to
sweat the small stuff. You’ll also develop
a scorching desire to travel and explore.
Discover a creative outlet that lets you give
your self-expression full rein.

NOV 23-DEC 21
A new moon in your
social sector on the
20th brings someone
interesting and quite
influential in a positive way into your life

  • maybe Librans or Aquarians. As this
    area is also associated with dreams and
    aspirations, it’s a good time to set new
    goals for yourself.
    Impressions count – put your best foot forward!

DEC 22-JAN 20
The stars are making
you more accountable
for your words, and
especially now that
you’ll have the perfect platform to
express yourself. Use charm and
consideration when voicing your thoughts
and you’ll effortlessly influence others.
It’s the time to develop career strategies.
Do what’s right, not what’s expected.

JAN 21-FEB 19
If travel’s been
a long-held but
unrealised dream,
now’s the time to start
packing! Venus briefly joins the sun and
Mercury, creating the ideal circumstances
for a holiday. Excuses are in the eye of
the beholder – the only roadblock to
a wonderful break is your mindset.
Brush up on or learn foreign languages.

FEB 20-MAR 20
If you’ve been
neglecting your
love-life or have issues
surrounding intimacy

  • and I don’t mean of a physical nature
    but simply having an open and honest
    exchange – the new moon on the 20th
    as well as other positive star action will
    encourage you to be more trusting.
    Buy a lottery ticket or take a gamble.

A little compromise goes a long way.
Jupiter, the planet of fortune and
prosperity, moves into magnetic, intense
and alluring Scorpio for the next year,
encouraging you to get in touch with
your sexuality and power. As Scorpio
is also an opportunist it will pay,
literally, to seize the moment and
use it to your full advantage.


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