Yours Australia — Issue 97 2017

(sharon) #1


The personality secrets

in your bathroom!


From your shower curtain to the way you squeeze

your toothpaste tube, your loo holds clues about you

Floral print:You’re quite the
idealistic charmer!
f your shower curtain’s in full bloom, you’re
ry likely optimistic and romantic – after all,
osing such a cheerful motif for such a
ll space suggests you infuse every detail of
your life with joy. When guests use
your bathroom and see your
pretty shower curtain, they
smile and feel at home!

Solid colour:You’re
a serene intuitive!
A solid hue on your curtain’s
canvas underscores your
elegant, less-is-more style.
Studies show serene types
are often drawn to solid
colours in their decor,
because such simplicity is
calming. Indeed, it must be said your still
waters run extremely deep!

Geometric pattern:You’re
a problem-solver!
A curtain decked out in geometric designs,
from bold stripes to intricate lattices, appeals
to your rational, problem-solving mind. Able to
overcome even the toughest challenges, you
do your best thinking in the tub – where you
melt stress and spark “eureka-worthy” ideas!

If the end of your toilet
paper roll hangs...

If your shower curtain has a...

If you squeeze your toothpaste from the...

a confident leader!
According to a new survey
of more than 2000 people,
those who hang their toilet
paper roll over tend to have
a “take-charge attitude
and strong leadership
skills”. Driven and focused,
you get the job done,
whether you’re designing
a bathroom renovation or
clinching that sale at work!

Under:You’re an
empathetic creative!
Smart and sensitive, you
value creativity and strong
relationships above all
things. Hanging your toilet paper under
is less common than “rolling over,” and
therefore showcases your unique sensibilities and eye for
subtlety: you see things others don’t and think deeply.

OR under?
Alternating suggests
flexibility and craving
new experiences.
Open-minded and
adaptable, you
roll with the

Middle:You’re an
open-minded free spirit!
Unhindered by tradition,
middle-squeezers play by
their own rules and are fun
and sociable. Easygoing, you
adapt to any situation – and
squeeze every last drop of
enjoyment out of life!

a detail-oriented doer!
Squeezing your tube from
the bottom and flattening it
as you go keeps it neat, and
points to your detail-oriented
nature. Decisive as you are
determined, you think ahead
and harbour ambition! PICTURES: GETTY IMAGES
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