VegPlanet — October 2017

(avery) #1


Pooja lives for food and travel. All the fl avors and
colors of her desserts are inspired from the skies, the
landscapes & the people she meet while travelling. After
backpacking extensively across India and living a pretty
self sustainable lifestyle during the backpacking days
she developed a very unique bond with nature and all the
animals that we share this nature with! That experiences
led her into watching various documentaries which
eventually made her take up veganism!


A cold, light dessert to accompany a heavy Christmas dinner!
Pooja Masurkar

sweet tooth


120 gm coconut cream
80 gm coconut milk
60 gm coconut sugar
3 tbsp. hot water
1 tsp. carrageenan powder

For raspberry sauce:
100 gm raspberry puree
20 gm sugar
4 tsp. corn fl our


  • Sprinkle carrageenan powder on hot water and mix
    well to break any lumps. Keep it aside for 10 minutes.
    The mixture should become fi rm like a jelly. This is
    called bloomed carrageenan.

  • Mix the cream, milk, and sugar and bring to boil.

  • Melt the bloomed carrageenan in the microwave for
    two minutes. Add it to the boiling coconut cream

  • Whisk continuously until no lumps remain and sieve
    immediately into a silicon mold or small serving cups.

  • Let it cool completely at room temperature before
    transferring to the fridge.

For raspberry sauce:

  • Dissolve corn fl our in some water. Keep aside.

  • Bring to boil water, raspberry puree, and sugar.

  • Turn off the heat and whisk in the corn fl our paste.

  • Turn on the heat again and continue to whisk
    vigorously until the mixture becomes thick and glossy
    and starts bubbling rapidly.

  • Turn off the heat and pour over the cold coconut
    panna cotta.

  • Refrigerate for 20 minutes and garnish with fresh
    berries and mint leaves before serving.

Panna cotta is one of my most favourite Italian desserts. It is super easy to make and goes well with all kinds of
seasonal fruit toppings. I have always been a fan of cold, light, not overly sweet, and fruity desserts, and this one
perfectly fi ts the bill! While travelling in the mountains, I always fi nd myself making this recipe using local produce
and enjoying this super quick dessert by the fi re on a cold windy night.

Yield: 4
Prep time: 10 mins
Cooking time: 30 mins

Make sure to heat the panna cotta
mixture until all the carrageenan
lumps melt. Do not forget to sieve the
mixture into the molds to prevent any
unmelted lumps of carrageenan from
remaining in the panna cotta. This is
important to ensure a silky smooth
panna cotta.

You can adjust the amount of
carrageenan depending on how fi rm
you want the panna cotta to be.

Substitute coconut milk with coconut
cream for a richer and creamier

You can top the panna cotta with fresh
seasonal fruits or crunchy granola for
a lip-smacking healthy breakfast!
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