VegPlanet — October 2017

(avery) #1


irmala Reddy, Kurnool: I’m 63 years old,
other than high blood pressure, I didn’t have
any health issues. For the blood pressure, I
had been taking tablets from very long time.

Last year, when I had a complete health check-up,
we found that my blood pressure, diabetes, thyroid
and cholesterol levels were not normal. So the
doctors put me on medication. This resulted in a
daily dose of various types of tablets.

Later my son read on many health websites that
taking large amounts of particular medications can
cause harm to the function of the kidneys in the long
term. This was compounded by the fact that my
son’s friend’s father, had to go for a kidney transplant
because he was taking medication for diabetes and
high blood pressure for many years. Even the man’s
doctors who prescribed them, suggested that long
term medication could be the cause

This incident was alarming for us; we began
searching for alternative treatments. During
this search, my son found out about another

friend, whose in-laws had tried Dr. Saravanan’s
holistic natural approach - using diet - and were
completely relieved from their medication.

This prompted us to meet with Dr. Saravanan
for a consultation. The session was very helpful
and educative. He explained in a detailed way
how certain dietary changes may be benefi cial.
The diet he prescribed was a simple ‘whole grain-
plant based diet’ with no oil and refi ned foods.
While many people consider this diet extreme, the
process simply involved replacing our existing food
with those compatible with this diet.

Within a couple of weeks, my health readings came
back to normal. Now it’s been six months that my
levels are completely normal and I am relieved
from all my medications except for thyroid, which
the doctor said will take further time to subside.
A positive bonus to this experience was that my
husband’s blood pressure and diabetes levels also
returned to normal simply by partaking in the
same dietary habits - without going through any


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