VegPlanet — October 2017

(avery) #1


magine plummeting 70 feet down an uncovered well
that has 30 feet of water in it. For two hours, you
frantically struggle to stay afloat. This is what one
cow endured until Animal Rahat’s rescue team sprang
into action and saved her.

The misery and anguish of an elderly donkey was
finally eased when Animal Rahat veterinarians found
her struggling to walk with a hobbling rope attached
to her right foreleg and hind leg. After removing the
vile device, which had dug into her flesh, they cleaned
and treated the wound. How relieved she must
have been!

Relief is not a feeling that many working animals in
India experience very often. They’re forced to do

gruelling tasks each day, despite being exhausted,
injured, ill, or malnourished. That’s why Animal Rahat—
”rahat” means “relief”—strives to help the horses
towing carriages through chaotic traffic, bullocks
marching long distances to transport festival-goers,
donkeys carrying inhumane loads of bricks on their
backs in factories, and other animals in rural regions of
Maharashtra, India.

One of my happiest moments was saving five elderly
bullocks from a terrifying death on the slaughterhouse
floor. When bullocks grow too old to work, they’re sold
and killed for their skins and whatever flesh is left on
their malnourished bodies. However, Animal Rahat
persuaded these bullocks’ owners to let the handsome
fellow – and his four friends –retire instead.

Animal Rahat:

Changing minds changing practices

By Dr Naresh Upreti, Chief Operating Officer, Animal Rahat

You can learn
more about Animal
Rahat’s life-changing
work by visiting
Free download pdf