The CEO Magazine Australia — November 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1
Editor’s letter

TALK TO ME... @TheCEOMagazineAustralia @CEOMagazineAU company/the-ceo-magazine @theceomagazineAU TheceomagazineAustralia

Susan Armstrong


remember quite vividly the first
time I ever received an award...
It was for a poetry competition in
primary school and I won a
certificate and a copy of The Swiss
Family Robinson, both presented to
me in front of the entire school.
My, I loved that book... and I didn’t mind the
recognition I received for all the effort that went
into penning that poem about the Easter Bunny.
A year later the experience was quickly
overshadowed when I found myself the last one
standing during a dancing competition at a school
disco. This time it required less effort, more
enthusiasm, and I walked/shimmied away with
a 12-inch of Village People’s Can’t Stop The Music
(what can I say; it was the 80s) – I actually didn’t
think an award could get any better.
Of course it wasn’t until many years later,
when I was fortunate enough to win a couple
of publishing industry awards, that I fully
understood just how much sweeter the victory
is when you share it with those who’ve worked
alongside you. Not only does celebrating an award
with your colleagues boost morale, improve
motivation and drive engagement, it creates a
culture that money, quite simply, can’t buy.
It’s what makes our Executive of the Year
Awards so special. Even though this much-
anticipated event, now in its sixth year, highlights
the individual excellence of senior executives,
there’s no denying that each win is celebrated by
the very teams that surround the decision makers
and game changers of corporate Australia.

Just ask Stephen Cornelissen, Group CEO of
Mercy Health, and last year’s deserved winner of
CEO of the Year. During his acceptance speech he
said: “I’m not up here because of me, I’m up here
because I stand on the shoulders of giants ... These
awards aren’t possible for any of us if we don’t
have those people around us to support us.”
It’s much the same way this magazine isn’t
possible (nice segue, no?) without the incredible
people that work tirelessly to create it. They
continue to amaze and inspire me and I’m beyond
blessed to work with such a talented, dedicated
bunch. What’s more, I feel incredibly fortunate
that the team continues to grow exponentially and
I’d like to take this opportunity to welcome Gita,
Joe, Adrian, Melita, Daniel, Holly and Sharon to
the magazine – who said publishing is dead?!
Enjoy the issue, and I hope to see you at
the awards (turn to page 26 for all the details)

  • it’s shaping up to be a night you, and your team,
    won’t want to miss. | 9
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