The CEO Magazine Australia — November 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1 | 11

CEO contributors

KARL PESKETT is an eminent motoring journalist
covering anything devoted to four wheels. A passionate
writer, editor, and driver, he is the go-to man for
automotive information.
What is your favourite app? My Gmail app – I can't live
without it.
What is your favourite website? BBC News.
What’s your best habit? Remembering useless facts
and figures. I habitually store away info for a rainy day.
Or a quiz night.
What’s the phrase or word you overuse the most?
“Yes, exactly.”
What super-power would you like and why?
Predicting the future, so I can see how much fallout there
is from what I've said.
What never fails to make you laugh? Animals on ice.

JESSICA MUDDITT is a freelance journalist based in
Sydney. Originally from Melbourne, she spent 10 years in
London, Bangladesh, and Myanmar before returning to
Australia in 2016.
Favourite app? Spotify. It’s still a revelation to me to have
all the music I could possibly want in my phone.
First proper job? Serving ice-cream at Wendy’s.
Favourite website? BBC – specifically the Capital Sections
and World News. Even though I haven’t lived in the UK for
eight years, I still love the BBC.

PIP STOCKS is CEO and Founder of BrandHook,
an award-winning keynote speaker, regular industry
commentator, and thought leader. Pip has worked
on both the agency and client side in agencies such
as Saatchi’s, Grey, Virgin Energy and Carat.
Favourite app? Marley Spoon – having food
delivered twice a week has saved me from having to
think about cooking but still know it will be healthy.
First proper job? Assistant to the editor at
Computing Magazine in London in 1993. I wish
I had the foresight that digital would have taken
over our lives, I’d have paid more attention!
Favourite website? I can explore
good-priced designer clothes from my bed.

DAVID WALKER runs consultancy Shorewalker
DMS. He has led policy for think-tank CEDA,
edited business magazine INTHEBLACK, helped
manage two start-ups and headed communications
for the Business Council of Australia.
What is your favourite app? Google Chrome.
What was your first proper job? Editor of the
Adelaide Uni student newspaper, On Dit.
What’s the phrase or word you overuse the
most? Adjectives in general. I keep reminding
myself to just describe things instead.
What super-power would you like and why?
Knowing what other people are thinking.
That’s always the trick in journalism,
though we never quite get there.

DOMINI STUART is a Sydney-based
freelance journalist, author and speaker.
She writes on a range of topics including
business and health for a number of
national publications.
First proper job? Advertising copywriter.
Favourite website? – the oldest
and largest online fact-checking site.
Crime you’d commit if you could get away
with it? I’d confess within seconds.
Best habit? Walking up escalators.
Phrase you overuse? “You’re kidding!”
Superpower of choice? Teleportation.
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