The CEO Magazine Australia — November 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

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Leap of faith


Photographer: Dean Treml

Australian cliff diver Rhiannan Iffland has turned first-time
feats into a recipe for success.
Prior to last year, Rhiannan was wowing cruise ship passengers
with her high-dive skills, making decent money in the Caribbean.
Next minute, she’s got a wildcard entry into the Red Bull Cliff
Diving World Series and thinks, ‘Why not?’
Accustomed to facing fear on a daily basis, Rhiannan felt she had
nothing to lose. “It’s not easy and the fear’s always there,” she says.
“For myself, I’m always scared. There’s never a moment where

I walk up to that platform and I’m feeling 100 per cent confident.”
It proved to be a triumphant success, with Rhiannan nailing the
sport and coming home with a win. This year, she’s back to win it
again, and she was given the chance to conquer another ‘first’.
Pictured here is her first waterfall dive – off Štrbacki Buk – that was
part of a road trip during the circuit of 20-plus-metres high leaps
around the world in the competition this year. Yes, this was just for
fun. After conquering cliffs, bridges, towers, high winds and icy
waters, it seems a waterfall was just another leap of faith.
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