The CEO Magazine Australia — November 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

When a cyberattack breaks through the technology, your security team

stands between you and disaster. But are they paying attention?


human face

of cybersecurity


here’s only so much technology can do to protect
against cyberattacks. Even the most sophisticated
software is limited to known threats.
“Some new threats will inevitably break through from time
to time, and, when they do, every second counts,” says Guy
Coles, Sales Director at Privasec Governance and Information
Security Partners. “The sooner you identify a breach, the more
likely you are to contain the damage.”


In many larger companies, cybersecurity analysts provide
the last line of defence. They respond to alerts from security
systems, investigate each one manually and, where necessary,
minimise the fallout.
“When you spend your days reviewing data on a screen, it
can be difficult to maintain focus,” says Kate Healy, Principal
Cyber Security Consultant at Aleron. “But this is also stressful
because you’re under a lot of pressure to pick up every threat.”
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