Motorcyclist USA — September-October 2017

(Chris Devlin) #1
26 | september | october 2017


Suggestions for our Roadster, creative-writing criticisms, and Gresh gets told



I read the Megaphone article by Joe
Gresh (July/August, MC) and had to
re-read it to make sure I understood it.
In essence, he has compared the risk
takers at NASA with the “stunters” he
sees on the highways.

I have no issue with stunters in a
controlled atmosphere, but the jerks
that find it necessary to put others at risk
on public roads are a menace to society
and to motorcycling as a whole.

“As irresponsible as stunters are, we
need them.” You could not be more
wrong with that sentiment, Gresh.
—Colin Walker / Richmond, VA

I have been a middle school science
teacher for 23 years and a motorcyclist
for much of my life. I cringe when I
see stunters and the bad press they
can bring, but part of me cheers at the
sheer bravado of a wheelie at speed.
Despite the heat the members of Gen
X, Y (“Millennials”), and Z catch, I see
these kids shine in my classroom. I
have students that not only ride but
wrench on their own machines. With
technology and social media it’s a

different world to be sure, but there is
greatness among them. Like the rest of
us they will grow up, and when needed
they will rise up. I am not worried.
—Clay Lubbers / via email

No, Mr. Gresh, the selfie-obsessed
motorcycle stunters will not magically
grow up into a new Greatest Generation.
There is no fire to forge them and
they lack grit. If there is to be another
greatest generation, their members are
in our all-volunteer military.
—Daniel J. McElroy / via email

Gresh seems to have confused purposeful
risk taking with recklessness. Since
stunting has been around a good 20
years or more, you’d think by now we’d be
able to find at least one bona fide hero or
someone who has made a selfless contri-
bution to society who was a stunter in
their youth. I can’t think of any. Can you?

P.S. Just because you’re old doesn’t
mean you can’t ditch the Sansabelts and
squeeze your butt into a pair of Levi’s
skinny jeans. Now that’s some risky
behavior for pretty much anyone over 50.
—Tom Short / San Rafael, CA

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