86 | september | october 2017
Another project in process, a Ducati
Sport Classic, awaits bodywork. Resting
beside the welding table is Sofi’s first
build, “Frank,” which is on leave from
its owner, who is overseas. Vintage
headlights, with pedigree enough to
make their way to a restoration project
or repurposed onto a full custom, line
up atop cabinets. To make more room
amid the tight quarters, Sofi wheels a
beautifully restored 1961 BMW into
the driveway.
GT-Moto, which is named for Sofi’s
dad, was forged in 2013 shortly after
George was diagnosed with throat
cancer and given four months to live.
An aggressive regimen of radiation
treatments was prescribed by doctors
to save his life. Seeing her father’s
health, body, and spirit deteriorate,
Sofi did everything she could to keep
his mind and body active in their little
garage. Whether it was the develop-
ment of a part or simply tightening
a single bolt before succumbing to
exhaustion, the problem solving and
creation involved in constructing a
custom motorcycle helped George
persevere, and he ultimately beat the
cancer ravaging his body.
Rewind roughly three decades to
nearby Addison Airport. George—an
aircraft maintenance mechanic, a shop
owner, a motorcycle enthusiast, and
a new single father—is trying to figure
out how to give his squirming infant
daughter a ride aboard his 1973 BMW
R90S. As with most situations, the
logical solution was duct tape. Riding
with her father up and down the taxi-
ways of the airport, literally adhered to
top of the gas tank, instilled the love of
motorcycles in Sofi.
The level of meticulous detail
of George’s work led the likes of
above / left George and Sofi Tsingos plan on making the move from their well-organized
albeit full-to-capacity two-car home garage to a larger dedicated workshop at some point in the
future, but their current address has thus far served them well. When asked about her idea of
their destiny as custom motorcycle builders, Sofi explained, “I want to create a place where an
employee can be genuinely happy and provide for their family. I want to establish a community
for creative people.”
below Father and
daughter, the early
years: Sofi’s two-
wheel education
began while she was
still in diapers.
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