Racer X Illustrated — October 2017

(Sean Pound) #1

12 2 http://www.racerxonline.com

Like Huffman, Metcalfe,
Goerke, and Alessi, the newcom-
er Epstein has perhaps found a
permanent home up north with
his great rides, or maybe this is
the boost he needs to get his
American results trending up.
“Being up here, you get that
almost like a clear head again—
and racing is just such a mental
game,” Epstein says. “Once
you get that taste of blood
again running up front and be-
ing with fast guys and showing
yourself you’re fast again, it’s
so easy and you see that it’s so
easy to be up front.”
All told, the American inva-
sion has been a good thing for

the series. It’s brought American
media attention, fan interest has
picked up each week with the
recognizable names (the series
livestreams its racing with the
Conex2Share app), and yeah,
the fans like it when a Facciotti
or Benoit beats the big names
from south of the border. But
none of the riders I spoke to said
they’ve ever felt unwelcome.
“I feel like more people want
Facciotti to win, but that’s obvious
because he’s Canadian,” Goerke
says. “Still, I feel like some of the
fans like me battling with him. I’m
sure he has more fans here, but I
think I have some too.”
Although he prefers Cana-

dians over Americans, and even
though he’s racing against them,
Schuster thinks the infl ux of
Americans has been a good thing.
“If you go back to 2013 or
so, I think, when Metcalfe won
his championship, you have
Metcalfe, Alessi, Goerke, [Davi]
Millsaps, who won it last year,
and now Christophe this year,”
Schuster says. “Those are all
pretty big-name guys that bring
some extra attention to the
series. You can look outside of
Canada and see other people
talking about the series and how
guys are doing because of it.
I think that’s a big deal, and it’s
pretty cool to see.” X

Florida’s Matt Goerke
(above and right) is a
veteran on the Canadian
scene, as is #111 Kyle
Chisholm. (Far right) Colton
Facciotti is holding the line
for Canadian pride against
the Americans.

I work a
lot harder
now than
I used
to back
then when
I won

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