Australian Triathlete — December 2017

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never know what Madame Pele will hand
out on the day. But, you can trust that,
whatever it is, it will be an incredible
opportunity to learn. An incredible
opportunity to grow. And learning and
growth is exactly what we need to become
the very best people that we can become.
Other lessons the Ironman World
Championships will teach you:

  1. Conserve your energy race week. If you
    don’t, race day will be so much tougher
    than it already is.

  2. Don’t set time goals for each section.
    The conditions can change everything! Set
    goals regarding your effort along the way,
    your race strategy, nutrition and fueling.
    Then just get out there and race hard, and
    race strong, mentally.

  3. Never underestimate the importance
    of giving your body what it needs to
    sustain the effort you are asking from it.

  4. There is so much incredible energy on
    this incredible island. Take it all in. Thousands
    before you have swum in this ocean, biked
    on these roads and run on this course.
    They were fueled by the same powerful
    dreams that you are. Imagine all that
    energy stored on this island. Tap into that.
    Be grateful. Embrace the entire experience
    and use that energy to help propel you
    forward in the most powerful ways!


You will be rewarded for your persistence!
The gift of crossing that line is the ultimate

This, then, will set you up for an amazing
experience on this incredible island.
The teacher appeared, in the form of
flats and adversity. My athlete chose to
embrace this lesson and to go about
giving his whole heart and soul towards
making the right answer. That answer -
finish no matter what. Finish with your
entire heart and soul. Be grateful for the
incredible fitness that you have developed
in all your hours of hard work leading into
this day.
He chose to back himself. He chose to
believe in himself. He chose to persist - to
not give up. To believe in himself enough to
know that he could continue the race and
finish. But not just finish - to do it with
spirit, enthusiasm and determination.
He ended up having an unbelievable
day. If you subtract the two hours that he
spent trying to fix all those flats (he had to
go to a bike shop and buy a new tyre and a
new tube and had to wait for his father to
come with the credit card) he would have
achieved exactly what he had set out to
do on a perfect day.
That was not the ultimate gift,
however. The ultimate gift was him

proving to himself that everything he
needed was inside of him. That no matter
what happens in life, no matter how hard
the times may be, he has everything he
needs to make it through. Not just to
survive it but to make it through in the
most powerful ways.
He had given himself the gift of trust.
Trusting in himself, believing in himself.
Knowing, that no matter what, he would
be OK! For this, as a coach, I could not
be prouder.
What he achieved on that day is
something that will change his life forever.
What he accomplished on that day will
ensure that nothing, no matter how hard,
or how impossible a situation may seem,
will get him down. Nothing will stop him
from being the very best version of himself
every single day.
When the student is ready, the teacher
will appear. Or in this case, when the
teacher is ready, the student will appear.
So, when you are racing in Kona, have
an open mind to anything that could
possibly happen on the day. You have
done the work. You are perfectly prepared

  • physically, emotionally and mentally. You

Forget all the reasons
It wont work and


iT will


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