Australian Triathlete — December 2017

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AustrAliAn triAthlete | 61

Brendan Sexton

BRendAn seXTon
As a youngster, Brendan’s life ambition was to be the
fifth Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. That didn’t quite
pan out. But triathlon did. A decade on, he’s still at it.

MeTRonoMes: Metronomes (or
pacers) aren’t as well known as the data
monitors previously mentioned but can be
just as beneficial for triathletes,
particularly those new to the sport.
Metronomes are devices that hold a
rhythm. The most common metronomes
beep at a constant rate allowing the user
to hear a preset rhythm. Used in both
swimming and running the metronome
allows the user to hold a consistent rate of
stroke or stride without overrating or
dropping below the desired tempo. Having
a constant reminder of rhythm can be a
useful tool for athletes who find it difficult
to identify when their form is beginning to
deteriorate or for those who get distracted
when training and tend to fall out of their
prescribed intensity zone – a little beeping
voice that helps out when training buddies
are a no-show.

C LoCks: Hardly a new technology, very
few of us would not use a clock,
stopwatch, or timing device of some kind
in our daily training. We time efforts and
recovery; we set time goals, and we chase
the clock through traffic to get to the pool
before closing. But do we use clocks to
their full potential? The concept of rating
(in swimming and running) or cadence
(in cycling) is, in essence, the sum of
repetition over time. So, where a
metronome sets rating, we can use clocks
to measure and monitor rating and be
aware of a value many of us don’t often
take into account. Simply count strokes,
pedal revolutions or steps over a set time
and compare at different points within a
session or race. A higher rating will
generally require more central effort and
will rehearse a movement more
effectively whereas a lower rating will
need more power, strength and put more
pressure peripherally (on arms and legs).
Set your own time frame (say, 30
seconds) and always use the same
count window.

When I started triathlon, I was encouraged
to keep a training diary. Being a standard
teenager with the attention span of a
cartoon surgeonfish my entries were
intermittent and would often record
inconsistent information. Enter the digital
age of GPS watches, Wi-Fi and mobile
phone Apps, and data recording and
analysis is a science within itself. As a
professional athlete, having past training
session numbers, mapped courses, race
course profiles and a metrics history gave
me an almost instant comparison of my
performances in repeated sessions or
races. As a coach, I can use training data
software to chart athletes’ improvements
and setbacks and cross reference these to
identify relationships. I can gather that if
an athlete begins to run a certain volume
in a week, the following week will see a
drop in cycling performance. Going into
greater detail and using metric recordings I
can establish that at a certain weight an
athlete will be able to hold peak power-to-
weight, but any less and the athlete is
highly susceptible to falling ill. In the huge
range of software and Apps available,
there are specially designed values that
give fitness scores or predict race
performance by compiling uploaded data
and feeding it through trademarked
algorithms. If that’s all a bit too technical
for you, I still recommend giving the basic
training diary features a try. It’s just like the
old ink and parchment, and you might find
there’s a feature that shines a bit more light
on your goals than you could already see.

It is a brilliant time to be a triathlete in the
digital age. Whether you’re just looking to
tick a bucket list box or carve out a career
at the top, you’re very likely to utilise some
form of technology. No doubt there is a
product out there that can help you smash
your goals but keep in mind, the best tools
a triathlete can have is their arms, legs and
some good company.

one individual to another can be massive.
For example, a heavier person will be able
to produce a greater wattage purely from
adding their body mass to the pedals. An
athlete set up on their bike to utilise their
posterior chain (big muscles down the
back of their legs) will be able to produce
more power, but then you add in some
other factors, the heavier athlete will have
to use all that extra power to overcome
inertia and maintain momentum of a
greater mass, and the big muscle setup
could potentially tire out muscles
required to stabilise the athlete’s hips
once they get onto the run.
The key to getting the most benefit out
of a power meter is, as with the HR
monitor, to build a bank of data that can
give you a comprehensive profile of your
own thresholds and limits, then work at
improving those numbers within a similar
context. Using power meter data, you can
plan training on the bike to target race
specific cycling e.g, a long flat bike course
will best benefit from a moderate but
sustained power whereas a short hilly
course will be better prepared for by
obtaining short, high and repeated peaks
of wattage with recovery.

Getting the most from your technology

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