Australian Triathlete — December 2017

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78 | AustrAliAn triAthlete

text by sarah Grove | photogrAphy by shutterstoCK.Com


Look at your daily/weekly
schedule and work out how
much time you are spending on
travelling to/from work. Could
you look at incorporating some of your
training into your travel? Could you use
public transport instead of driving and use
that time for study or catching up on
personal emails/social media etc. rather
than having to do this at home?
To me, travel time in the car is ‘dead’
time, so maximising every wasted minute
commuting can save you loads of time. I
coach a number of athletes who
incorporate their training time into their
commuting time. Not necessarily every
week, but as an example, they may
choose during their recovery week to
commute by bike and use that as their
recovery ride, rather than driving to work
and then having to do a recovery session
on top of that. Depending on how far your


ou have found yourself a
sport that you have fallen in
love with. You’ve made some
amazing friends, enjoy a
sport that provides you with a challenge
every day; that gives you immense
satisfaction and allows you to stay fit
and healthy. How lucky we all are to have
discovered triathlon!
But on top of triathlon, you still have a
full-time job. You have friends to catch up
with; you may have a family to look after
or study on the side. And did someone
mention pets too? All of a sudden the
sport you fell in love with starts to pull
you away from these other areas, and you
are starting to struggle to find time for
everyone and everything. Somewhere
along the line you have found yourself in
a cycle of getting up early, rushing to
training and hurrying to get to work on
time; eating at your desk, dashing home
in the afternoon to make your second

session for the day, and then not sitting
down for dinner until after 8pm - all
before having to get yourself organised to
do it all again tomorrow! It’s like your
days are on fast forward - rushing,
moving, hurrying, always on the go. Some
days feel like you even forget to stop and
breathe! Arghhhhh!
But you have to, right? How else do you
fit in everything you need to in a week?
Unlike single sports where you train just
for one discipline, triathlon involves the
dedication to improve in three sports - no
wonder we have little time left in each of
our days!
What if I told you I had some simple
but effective time hacks to help create
extra hours in your week so that you can
find that time to breathe, relax and enjoy
each day and each week, while still
striving and achieving your training and
racing goals. It is possible – so triathletes
take note!




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