Australasian Bus & Coach — October 2017

(singke) #1

(^16) ABC October 2017
A steering committee has
been formed to work towards
a business case for the
redevelopment of a new
Box Hill station and bus
interchange in Melbourne.
The suburb has been
identifi ed as one of the fastest-
growing areas in Melbourne
and an agreement to
upgrade its public transport
infrastructure was made
earlier this year.
“I thank and acknowledge
the work of the Box Hill
Ministerial Advisory Group,
which means we can now get
on to developing a business case
for the project.
“We’ve already delivered
vital upgrades to services
and infrastructure at Box
Hill interchange, and will
continue to look for further
improvements while the
business case is developed.”
A new route 201 bus service
has already been added to
the network as a direct link for
students and locals between
Box Hill Station and Deakin
University. Other planned
upgrades will include adding
pedestrian crossings, installing
better ramps and additional
signage to increase accessibility
and expanding the presence of
staff and security.
Victorian Minister for Public
Transport Jacinta Allan says the
committee will build on the
work of the Ministerial Advisory
Group, which provided options
to the public transport minister
to improve the commercial and
transport hub in Box Hill.
“This steering committee will
give locals a voice, and help get
the planning right for the Box
Hill interchange redevelopment,”
she says.
Below: A
transport hub
in Box Hill
should allow
for better
modes of
“We’ve already
delivered vital
upgrades to services
and infrastructure”
Australian body builder Volgren
has delivered two new route
buses to Mt Gravatt Coach and
Travel in Queensland.
The two 12.5-metre, low-fl oor
Optimus route buses have
commenced service, operating
from the outer Brisbane suburbs of
Capalaba and Rochdale into the CBD.
“Mt Gravatt conducts city, school
and charter transport work, so the
fi rst consideration is type of body,
but potentially more important
is longevity, reliability and low
maintenance costs,” Mt Gravatt
Coach & Travel general manager
Rob Brooker says.
“Volgren’s warranty and modern
fl eet of route buses were the standout
considerations for us.”
“The Optimus has a more modern
look than other bodies, and both
route buses have been almost
completely issue-free from day one.
“Our drivers are really happy with
the Volgren/Scania combination and
passengers have offered feedback
that the new buses look great and
offer a comfortable trip.”
Brooker says there was peace of
mind in knowing that a manufacturer
was prepared to stand behind its
product for the long run.
“Volgren’s aftersales service has
been exemplary and even the smallest
of issues are dealt with expediently
and professionally. Volgren are also
one of the few body builders that will
put 15 years’ [warranty] in writing
where others are either far less willing
or simply don’t do it.”
Volgren CEO Peter Dale credited
the new deliveries to high-quality
design and manufacturing as well as
the ability to provide support long
after buses have left the factory fl oor.
Volgren hits the ground running in Mt Gravatt

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