Australasian Bus & Coach — October 2017

(singke) #1 October 2017 ABC^27

All parts of our build process are refi ned to be
ergonomically safe and smart, have a positive
workfl ow and increase the safety of workers

outcomes and choices made in
the design of our buses. We have
done it with that original desire
to build a bus with operators’
needs in mind.”

Over time, the ownership of
Volgren has changed. In 2012
the Grenda Corporation sold
a majority stake to Marcopolo
and, more recently, the Brazilian
company took full ownership.
Critically, Smith says, this
ownership structure has not
led to a reduction in the
Australian-made component of
the Volgren buses.
“[Marcopolo] has shown a
great deal of interest in and
support for the aluminium
structures we have in the
marketplace and there is
certainly no direction to change
or alter the local content of
what we do,” he says.
The sheer size and knowledge
that comes from the relationship
with Marcopolo gives Volgren
access to the world’s best
technologies while allowing

them to maintain the standards
and relationships that they
have spent decades establishing
within Australia.

“Life cycle costs” is something
Volgren mentions frequently on
its website, in its advertising,
and on its brochures.
Smith mentions it more than
once as well.
When asking him about the
concept, he says that in 2016
Volgren were one of three
major Australian bus body
manufacturers that took part
in a research study by Monash
University to investigate the
costs of different bus bodies
on the Australian market. The
research analysed the initial

purchase price, the costs of
repairs and servicing, lifetime
re¾ ts and fuel economy.
The Volgren-bodied bus gave
an impressive lifetime saving
that equated to 7.3 per cent lower
costs than the other participants.
Based on a bus travelling
62,000km a year, Volgren
delivered a lifetime saving of
$36,000 in fuel and a further
saving of $20,000 in repairs and
re¾ t costs.
Volgren credits this ¾ gure
to the technology it employs,
the years of manufacturing
and industry experience it has
accumulated, and the aftersales
service it provides.
“The Co-Bolt aluminium
frame means we have none of
the common issues that can arise
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