Australasian Bus & Coach — October 2017

(singke) #1

(^28) ABC October 2017
in other buses with cracking or
corrosion,” Smith explains.
“It is common that buses which
reach midlife and have structural
problems can require rebuilds
that run into tens of thousands
of dollars; this is something that
doesn’t happen to a Volgren bus.”
“The running and fuel costs
are superb, and when you do
have repairs the downtime is
signi¾ cantly reduced because of
the bus structure.
“When you combine these two
factors, the results are excellent

  • it is the Co-Bolt system that
    allows us to make that claim.

“We constantly seek feedback
from companies that purchase
our vehicles to ensure and
validate that our claims are
accurate. It is the data that we
get from customer feedback that
fuels our design process.”

During the factory tour I saw
something quite unusual: a team
mood board where workers were
able to, on a daily basis, place
stickers to express how they
were feeling.
They could let the team know
if they were stressed, con¾ dent

or whatever the day’s mood may
have been. I asked Smith what
the thought was behind this
unorthodox method.
According to him, the initiative
had been in place at Marcopolo
for many years and was now
being implemented at Volgren.
But not just on the parent
company’s say-so – it’s actually
a program that aligns with the
Australian company’s thinking.
“We have found teamwork,
leadership and how you have a
conversation with your workers
is very important.
“We talk about having the
right tools available for the job
but the most important factor is
this: do your workers have the
con¾ dence to do the job right the
¾ rst time with what they have
and how they are feeling?
“How your employees are
feeling about the job can be a
bigger influencer than anything

We constantly seek feedback from companies
that purchase our vehicles to ensure and
validate that our claims are accurate
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