busnews.com.au October 2017 ABC^31
Above: It’s been
a busy year for
Lance Deacon,
Col Dyson and
Neil Dyson
Opposite: The
fl eet seems to be
growing by the
ith so much
going on
within the
business in
2017, the
senior management team at Dysons
is celebrating 65 years of service this
month and they have big plans for the
next 12 months ahead.
A family-owned and operated bus
company founded in 1952, the Dyson
Group operates more than 480 buses
and coaches while employing over
900 staff in metropolitan Melbourne,
regional Victoria and NSW.
It’s certainly come a long way since
Laurence Dyson bought four buses
in the early 1950s. The organisation
now operates tours and charter,
airport transfers, school runs and
metropolitan commuter services. And
business continues to grow with the
purchase of several smaller regional
Victorian bus operators this year.
All told, there are more than 20
extended Dyson family members
working in the business which
now spans spans an impressive
four generations. Joint managing
directors Neil Dyson, Lance Deacon
and Shane Dyson all play a key part
in developing the business. Lance
worked in accounting for a decade
before joining the family business in
earnest, Neil started as a mechanic,
and Shane started in operations.
The trio has been working hard
this year along with other senior
managers to make the acquisition
of Shepparton Transit as smooth
as possible. “We purchased
Shepparton Transit off Larry
Fallon, which is a pretty substantial
44-vehicle operation about an hour
north of Melbourne on June 1 this
year,” Lance explains.
The Fallon family had previously
operated the Shepparton Transit
services since 2003. “Strategically
it’s good for us to have a base there
in Shepparton because that helps
connect up all our other regional
depots all of which are no more than
an hour’s drive from each other now
essentially,” Neil says.
“Larry was looking to downsize.
He’s kept his little operation out
at Cobram and he’s got three sons
all with their own operations; one
at Wangaratta and one at Mount
Beauty. There was a bit of an
agreement that if Larry wanted to
sell, he would come and see us ¾ rst
and that’s just how it happened.”
Strategically it’s good
for us to have a base
there in Shepparton
While the purchase of
Shepparton Transit included just
the one large depot at Shepparton,
a number of vehicles are kept off
site in other regional towns and
utilised there as required. So
Dyson Group now runs the busy
Shepparton town service as well
as bus services that connect
residents with V/Line rail services.
Readers could be forgiven for
thinking that there couldn’t possibly
be any more Dysons, but you
thought wrong!
“We moved Roy Dyson from our
Wangaratta depot down to our new
one at Shepparton and he’s doing
great things there already,” Neil
reveals. “Roy’s 2IC is now looking
after Wangaratta and doing an
excellent job so far.
“There is scope for development of
the bus network around Shepparton.