Australian Sky & Telescope — November-December 2017

(Marcin) #1 19




Signpost for an unknown planet?
The object, now called 2012 VP 113 , has the most distant
perihelion (its closest approach to the Sun) of any object
known in the Solar System. It’s one of a handful of bodies
found with very distant orbits and large perihelia — extreme
objects that spend most of their time well beyond the known
mass in the Solar System and thus should be minimally
gravitationally disturbed by the known planets.
When we started to look at the orbits of these extreme
objects, we noticed a strange resemblance: Although they
have orbits wildly tilted out of the ecliptic plane, all their
perihelia lie near where their orbits cross the ecliptic
moving from south to north. The technical way to describe
this situation is to say they all have similar arguments of
perihelion. The argument of perihelion is an angle that
defines the orientation of an orbit’s perihelion with respect
to the ecliptic plane, somewhat like a latitude angle on
Earth defines an orientation with respect to the equator. The
arguments of perihelion for these objects should have been
random, yet they clearly clustered around 0°.
We first thought this cannot be; it must be some
observational bias. Certain angles might be more easily
found over others when looking at a small range of ecliptic
latitudes. But most of the extreme objects were discovered
through surveys that looked at a range of latitudes, making
observational biases unlikely. Furthermore, our numerical

simulations confirmed that, if the known planets were the
only significant influences on these objects, the arguments of
perihelion should have been random: Even if these extreme
objects started with nearly the same orbital angles, their
paths would randomise in much less than the age of the
Solar System. The only way to create and keep this orbital
clustering stable is if whatever is causing it still exists. The
best answer? The influence of a massive, unknown planet.

SUBARU Two teams hunting for Planet X are using the 8.2-metre Subaru telescope, shown here on Mauna Kea in Hawai‘i.

Neptune at time
of Pluto perihelion

Neptune at time of
next Pluto perihelion





SIN RESONANCE Pluto and Neptune occupy a 2:3 orbital resonance:
For every two loops Pluto completes around the Sun, Neptune
completes three. Because of this, Pluto and Neptune never come close
to each other, even though Pluto crosses Neptune’s orbit. Similarly, an
unknown planet could exist in resonance with the extreme objects.
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