Muscle & Fitness Australia — November 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

By Tony Attridge GYM RULES TRA I N

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Health and fitness
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public in health and fitness for over 24 years.
If you really want to improve your mind and body,
come and train with us and master the knowledge
to get you there. Tony Attridge

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Respect your fellow gym-goers
and say goodbye to gym rage.


ith the weather warming up, gyms will be
getting busier as people rush to try and undo
the excesses of winter and get their summer
bodies. Those of us who’ve been training all
through winter are besieged by an influx
of people trying to achieve the impossible! Here are
my top 10 gym etiquette tips to save the gym rage:

  1. Use deodorant There is nothing worse then walking
    into a gym only to have your breath taken away by
    someone’s BO. Be considerate of others and use
    deodorant prior to training.

  2. Use a towel Imagine going to use a bench and finding
    it covered in someone else’s sweat. Think of others and
    put a towel down on the equipment you’re using.

  3. Put your weights away Just because you can leg
    press 200kgs doesn’t mean that the next person
    can. Take that extra time and put your weights away.

  4. Do not drop the weights This should go without
    saying. By not dropping the weights you ensure the
    equipment lasts longer which than correlates with
    the gym not having to put up their fees because they
    have to consistently purchase new equipment.

  5. Get off your phone If you’re on your phone get off the
    equipment and let someone else use it. Yes, Facebook
    needs to know that you’re training but that should not
    be to the detriment of your fellow trainers.

  6. Share equipment Don’t use multiple pieces of
    equipment if the gym is busy. Alternatively, change
    your training time to when the gym isn’t as busy.

  7. Be aware of personal space Try and stay away from
    moving near the line of sight of someone lifting as it
    can cause a distraction, especially if you’re too close.

  8. Don’t talk to someone preparing to lift This should
    be logical, but it happens all too often. Talking to
    someone distracts them from their mental prep.

  9. Be quiet Keep your grunts and swearing to a
    minimum! No one wants to hear you making animal
    noises while you lift 5kgs for curls. So, tone down the
    volume and have respect for those around you.

  10. Be friendly Try it! It’ll improve your day and
    make everyone else around you feel great.

Tony Attridge is a level 3 strength and conditioning
coach, sport psychologist, sports nutritionist and
exercise scientist. See more at
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