Muscle & Fitness Australia — November 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1


If you’re new to lifting
and have minimal muscle
development, your arms
will grow from pull-ups
and rows alone. However,
if you’ve been at it for a few years

is a strength and conditioning specialist
and personal trainer.

and still aren’t happy with your
arm growth, you should work
curls and triceps presses into your
program. Perform three biceps and
triceps exercises weekly, focusing
on different angles. For example,
target your bis with incline
dumbbell curls, preacher curls
and barbell curls, and to target
your tris, try decline skull
crushers, overhead dumbbell
extensions and dips.

I’m into powerlifting, so
I rarely do curls. Will my
arms still grow or do I
need to isolate them?

  • Frank A

is a dietitian and specialist in
sports dietetics.

Does drinking alcohol
negate the benefits of
my workout?

  • Justin F


One option is to crouch down
and push the belt of a turned-
off treadmill with your hands.
You can also stack weight plates
onto a towel and push them across
any smooth surface. Lastly, you
can do isometric wall pushes.
Stand in front of a wall in your
socks on a hardwood floor. Extend
your arms and begin to drive your
legs forward. These three moves all
mimic sled pushes and recruit the
glutes, hamstrings and lower back.

What are some good
substitutes for sled

  • Ben L

is an MMA conditioning specialist,
CrossFit judge and trainer.


One or two beers won’t
destroy your results, but before
you crack open a cold one,
consider these effects. First, drinking
can increase urine output, which
inhibits the amount of nutrients your
body can absorb and encourages
excretion of stored minerals like
calcium and magnesium. If you do
indulge, choose a brew with a lower
ABV (alcohol by volume) percentage,
about 4% or less. The higher the
ABV, the greater the adverse effects,
which also include disrupted sleep
patterns, weight gain and decreased
muscle protein synthesis. So,
is it worth it? You decide.


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