Muscle & Fitness Australia — November 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1

32 MUSCLE & FITNESS / NOVEMBER 2017 Photographs by Christopher Testani





eer is good for a lot more than quenching your thirst on
a summer day and giving you the confidence to approach
gorgeous women. In fact, it’s perhaps the most underrated
cooking ingredient in your kitchen. Seriously. A good
beer can replace some or all of the liquid – such as stock or
wine – in practically any recipe, adding its own flavour without
adding many calories and boosting your antioxidant intake.
So save some stubbies for the recipes that follow, all of which
have significant health benefits and will change your opinion
of beer as a mere empty-calorie indulgence food. Truth be told,
you can have your drink and eat it, too.

Take one down and pass it
around: beer can make your
food healthier while
keeping it ab-friendly.


Free download pdf