Muscle & Fitness Australia — November 2017

(Steven Felgate) #1
KB row
Hinge at the hips until your
torso is at 45 degrees and pick
up two kettlebells. Squeeze
your shoulder blades together
and row the bells until your
elbows pass your torso. Hold
for a second and then lower the
bells until your arms are fully
extended at the bottom.

Incline prone
DB row
Adjust a bench so it’s at an
incline and lie on it, belly down,
with your toes planted on the
ground. Grab a dumbbell in each
hand and row them, leading
with your elbows and keeping
them at your sides.

Kettlebell squat
Hold two kettlebells of equal
weight in a front rack position,
with your elbows up and back
straight. Descend into a squat
until your thighs break parallel,
then explode back up.


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