Nourish - November 2017

(nextflipdebug2) #1

The most popular
mandarin variety
is the Imperial, as
they are sweet and
have few seeds.
Mandarins are primarily
grown in Queensland and are available
between April and October.

Grapefruit are tart and often lack the
sweetness of an orange or mandarin.
They are well known for their health
benefits and are available year-round.

Lemons and limes
Like the grapefruit, these citrus fruits
are tart and available all year, but
you’ll find the best limes between
January and April.

Super seedless
Seedless mandarins are fantastic.
But are they a result of genetic
modification? According to Delite
Citrus, producers of seedless Delite
mandarins, you can produce a naturally
seedless mandi due to where it is
grown. “Delite mandarins are isolated
from pollen sources, and it is pollen
that causes the development of seeds in
mandarins of this variety,” they say.

FUN FACT: Australian industry
standards dictate that ‘seedless’ is
defined as no more than one seed per
fruit in a sample of 20 pieces – and no
one fruit with more than three seeds.

1 cup almonds
½ cup cashews
¼ cup dried apricots, chopped
1 cup desiccated coconut
½ tsp cinnamon
2 tbsp cocoa powder
Zest of one citrus fruit
2 tbsp coconut oil
½ cup fresh citrus juice
1 tbsp honey
Extra mandarin zest and desiccated
coconut for coating, combined

Add the almonds and cashews to
a food processor and process until
fine. Add the apricots, coconut,
cinnamon, cocoa powder and citrus
zest and process for another minute.
In a separate bowl mix the coconut
oil, juice and honey. Slowly add this
liquid to your mixture and process
until it comes together (make sure
you add enough for the mixture to
bind but not so it becomes too wet).
With wet hands, roll the mix
into balls and roll the balls in the
combined coconut and citrus zest.
Store in the fridge.

1 cup freshly squeezed citrus juice
3 tbsp honey, or to taste
¼ cup gelatin
In a small saucepan bring the juice and honey to a low simmer.
Add the gelatin and whisk together. Turn the heat on low, and
continue to whisk the mixture for 5 to 10 minutes, until everything is
incorporated. Take off the heat.
Pour into silicone molds or a small baking dish. Set in the refrigerator
for at least 1 hour to firm up.
If you used a small baking dish as a receptacle, cut into bite-size
squares. Otherwise, remove gummies from their molds and enjoy!
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