Australian Healthy Food Guide - November 2017

(Wang) #1



Why did the
tomato blush?
Because it s
salad dress

Why was the mushroom
ted to lots of parties?
Because he was a fungi to be with!

What’s the fastest vegetable? A runner bean

Feel like you’ve tried just
about everything with your
little vegie-dodger? It’s time
for a little health by stealth!
It can take up to 15–20 tastes
for your child to appreciate a
new flavour, so persistence is
key. Here are three enjoyable
ways to help boost your child’s
vegetable intake:


Fun & names
Giving vegies funny names
like ‘baby trees’ (broccoli) and
‘X-ray vision carrots’ can help
convince children to eat them,
according to research.


Family faves
If meals such as spaghetti
bolognese or mac ‘n’ cheese
are family hits, try gradually
increasing their vegie content
— and then see whether anyone
notices the difference.


Sweet bites
Did you know you can
sneak vegies into all sorts of
baked goods? Add pureed
pumpkin or grated zucchini
to muffi ns or cakes.



Mini carrot, cheddar
& thyme rosti
Makes 14–16 mini fritters
Cost per serve $0.30
Time to make 15 min
9 vegetarian 9 diabetes friendly

3 carrots, peeled,
coarsely grated
80g cheddar, grated
1 teaspoon thyme leaves,
fi nely chopped
1 egg, lightly beaten
¼ cup spelt fl our or
plain fl our
1 tablespoon olive oil

1 Mix carrot, cheddar, thyme,
egg and fl our in a bowl.
2 Heat a non-stick frying pan
over medium heat and add the
olive oil. Add teaspoons of the

Pack the kids’ lunch boxes full of tasty carrot goodness!


food for


rosti batter to the pan and press
down gently with the back of the
spoon to slightly fl atten. Cook,
turning once, for 5 minutes, or
until rosti are golden.
3 Serve the rosti with baby basil
leaves, if preferred.
Serving suggestion These rosti
are great for lunch boxes or quick
vegie-fi lled snacks. To create a
substantial meal, make larger
rosti and serve with a side salad
or steamed vegetables, and a
slice of wholegrain bread.

Protein 5.3g
Total Fat 4.5g
Sat Fat 1.6g
Carbs 6.8g

Sugars 3.9g
Fibre 3.4g
Sodium 139mg
Calcium 122mg
Iron 0.6mg

PER SERVE (2–3 rosti)

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