Australian Knitting — October 2016

(Marcin) #1

Australian Knitting 25

These 38 rows form pattern rep.
Rep these 38 rows, 3 times.
Next Rows: RS - Work 5 rows St st
(beg with K row).
Next Rows: WS -Work 5 rows Garter
st (knit all rows).
Next Row: RS - Work 5 rows St st
(beg with K row) 129 rows. Cast off.

Using 5.00mm needles and Col A,
cast on 90 sts.
Next Rows: RS - Work 5 rows St st
(beg with a K row).
Next Rows: WS - Work 5 rows Garter
st (knit all rows).
Next Rows: RS - Work 5 rows St st
(beg with a K row).
Change to Col B.
Next Rows: WS - Work 5 rows St st
(beg with a P row).
Change to Col C.
Next Row: RS - Purl.
Change to Col D.
Next Rows: WS - Work 3 rows St st
(beg with a P row).
Next Rows: RS - Work 5 rows Garter
st (knit all rows).
Next Rows: WS - Work 3 rows St st
(beg with a P row).
Change to Col C.
Next Row: RS - Purl.
Change to Col B.
Next Rows: WS - Work 5 rows St st
(beg with a P row) 38 rows.
These 38 rows form pattern rep.
Rep these 38 rows, 3 times.
Change to Col A.
Next Rows: RS - Work 5 rows St st
(beg with K row).
Next Rows: WS - Work 5 rows Garter
st (knit all rows).
Next Rows: RS - Work 5 rows St st
(beg with K row) 129 rows.
Cast off.

Press pieces gently on WS using a
warm iron over a damp cloth.

Cut a piece of fabric 56 x 56cm.
Overlock or zigzag stitch around all
four edges to stop fraying. Fold one
edge over by 1cm (to WS) and press
to form crease along seamline.

With RS tog, pin around edges of 3
sides (not the folded edge).
Using a matching cotton thread and
hand sewing needle, hand stitch
around 3 sides (leaving 1cm seam
allowance). Alternatively use a
sewing machine (make sure fabric is
underneath knitted piece) on a narrow
zig zag setting and stitch length of
approx 3mm. Turn cushion RS out,
stuff with cushion insert, then stitch

rem seam by hand using the crease in
the woven fabric as a guide.

With RS tog, join 3 sides using
backstitch. Turn cushion to RS out, fill
with cushion insert then join final side
using slip st.

Jo Sharp
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