Australian Knitting — October 2015

(Ann) #1

34 Australian Knitting

Cont to shape neck only:
Next Row: RS - K1, skp, k to last 4
(4, 5, 5) sts, p4 (4, 5, 5) sts.
Next Row: P all sts.
Rep last 2 rows until 33 (35, 37, 39)
sts on needle.
Keeping armhole edge 4 (4, 5, 5)
sts correct, cont straight until piece
measures 29 (33, 39, 43)cm from
beg, end with a RS row.

Shape Shoulder
Next Row: WS - Cast off 4 sts, p to end.
Next Row: Knit.
Rep last 2 rows 3 times more.
Next Row: Cast off loosely 8 (10, 10,
11) sts, p to end.
Next Row: Knit.
Next Row: Cast off loosely rem 9 (9,
11, 12) sts.

Join shoulder/sleeve seams.

With 3.75mm needles and RS facing,
beg at right front side seam cast on

edge, pick up and k22 (22, 26, 26)
sts along front cast-on edge, 1 st at
corner and mark this st, now place a
pin 10cm up front edge, pick up and
k 22 sts from last st to pin, move pin
up further 10cm and pick up and k
again further 22 sts to pin, cont in this
manner up right front edge to shoulder
seam (last measure to shoulder seam
is less than 10cm, pick up and k 2 sts
per each cm to shoulder seam), pick
up and k14 sts down back neck, k the
back neck holder 17 (19, 21, 23) sts,
pick up and k14 sts up back neck to
shoulder seam, pick up and k22 sts
per each 10cm down left front edge
(as before on right front), pick up and
k 1 st at bottom corner and mark this
st, pick up and k22 (22, 26, 26) sts
along front cast-on edge.
Next Row: WS - K to marked corner
st, M1, k marked st, M1, k along to
next marked corner st, M1, k marked
st, M1, k to end.
Next Row: RS - K to 7 sts below right
front neck marker, k2tog, yo twice, skp,
k to end.

Next Row: WS - K to 1 st before
marked corner st, M1, k3, M1, k to
double yo, k first yo, p 2nd yo, k to st
before marked corner st, M1, k3, M1,
k to end.
Next Row: RS - K.
Next Row: WS - K to marked corner
st, M1, k marked st, M1, k along to
next marked corner st, M1, k marked
st, M1, k to end.
Next Row: RS - K.
Rep last 2 rows 0 (0, 1, 1) time more.
Next Row: WS - K to marked corner st,
M1, k marked st, M1, k along to next
marked corner st, M1, k marked st,
M1, k to end.
Cast off loosely in knit using 4mm

Join side seams, ensure Garter edge
joins up tidy.
Sew on button.

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