Australian Knitting — October 2015

(Ann) #1

1dtr in next tr, patt to end.
Cont on these 10 patts and work 2
rows without shaping.
Row 5: Patt to turning ch lp, (1tr, 2ch,
1dtr) in 3rd ch of lp.
Fasten off.
With right side facing, miss next 16
(18) 2ch sps and join yarn with a sl st
in next dc.
Row 1: 4ch, miss next 2ch sp, 1tr
in next dtr, 3ch, 1dc in next dc, turn,
1ch, Block, patt to end.
Row 2: Patt to last tr, 1dtr in tr, turn.
Cont on these 11 patts and work 2
rows without shaping.
Row 5: 6ch, 1tr in first dtr, 3ch, 1dc
in next dc, turn, 1ch, Block, patt to
Row 6: Patt to turning ch lp, 2ch,
miss 2ch of turning ch lp, 1tr in next
ch, make 47 (53) ch, then work
across sts on other side of armhole as
folls – 1tr in dtr, 2ch, 1dtr in next tr,
patt to end.
Row 7: Patt to last dtr before extra
ch between sections, 1tr in dtr, 3ch,
1dc in next tr, turn, 1ch, Block, miss
first 2ch of extra ch, 1tr in next ch,
3ch, miss 2ch of extra ch, 1dc in next
ch, turn, 1ch, Block, miss next 2ch of
extra ch, rep from
to last 3 extra ch,
1tr in next ch, 3ch, miss 2ch, 1dc in
next tr, turn, 1ch, Block, patt to end.
30 (31) patts. **
Cont in patt (across full width) until
Wrap measures 30 (35) cm from end
of First Armhole, working last row on
wrong side.

Divide for Second Armhole
Rep from to once.
Cont in patt until length after Second
Armhole is same as length before First
Armhole, working last row on wrong
Fasten off.

Do not press. With right side facing
and using 3.5 mm hook, work 3 rounds
dc evenly around each armhole,
decreasing as necessary to keep work
flat. Fasten off.

Ph: 1800 337 032

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