Australian Knitting — January 2016

(Nandana) #1

Australian Knitting 35

Place 4 (4, 5, 5) button markers along
buttonband, the first one 2cm from neck
edge, the last one at beg of Main Body
Stst section in A ( approx 10 (10, 13,
13)cm) from cast on edge and the rem
1 (1, 2, 2) evenly in between.

With RS facing of Right Front for
Girls garment or Left Front for Boys
garment, 3mm needles and A, pick
up and k62 (74, 86, 98) sts along
straight front edge.
Next Row: WS - P2; *k2, p2; rep from

  • to end.
    Next Row: RS - K2, p2; rep from to
    last 2 sts, k2.
    Rib further 3 (5, 5, 5) rows.
    Next Row: RS - Rib to marker, k2tog,
    yo twice, skp; cont in this manner until
    all buttonholes are worked.
    Rib further 3 (3, 3, 5) rows.
    Cast off loosely in rib.

Join shoulder seams.

With RS facing, 3.25mm needles
and C, beg at right front neck edge,
omitting half of button(buttonhole)
band, pick up and k 27 (29, 31, 33)
sts to shoulder seam, pick up and k
11 sts down back neck, k the back
neck holder 12 (14, 16, 18) sts, pick
up and k 11 sts up back neck and
27 (29, 31, 33) sts down front neck
edge, omitting half of band again. 88
(94, 100, 106) sts.
Garter Stitch ( k every row) for 7 (9,
11, 13) rows.
Cast off loosely.
Sew in sleeve tops.
Join sleeve seams.
Sew on buttons.

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