Australian Knitting — January 2016

(Nandana) #1

58 Australian Knitting

Work in stocking st until Back
measures 46cm from beg, ending with
a purl row.

Shape Armholes
Cast off 8 (10, 12, 13, 16, 17) sts at
beg of next 2 rows. 123 (131, 141,
151, 159, 169) sts.
Dec one st at each end of every row
until 117 (125, 131, 137, 141, 151)
sts rem, then in every foll alt row until
109 (113, 119, 125, 129, 135) sts
rem. **
Work 71 (71, 73, 73, 75, 75) rows.

Shape Shoulders
Cast off 11 (11, 12, 13, 13, 13) sts
at beg of next 4 rows, then 12 (12,
12, 12, 12, 14) sts at beg of foll 2
Leave rem 41 (45, 47, 49, 53, 55)
sts on stitch-holder for neckband.

Work as for Back to **.
Work 1 row.

Divide for V Neck
Next Row: K54 (56, 59, 62, 64, 67),
Cont on these 54 (56, 59, 62, 64,
67) sts for left side of neck.
Dec one st at neck edge in every foll
alt row until 45 (43, 45, 46, 45, 46)
sts rem, then in every foll 4th row until
34 (34, 36, 38, 38, 40) sts rem.
Work 7 rows.

Shape Shoulder
Cast off 11 (11, 12, 13, 13, 13) sts
at beg of next row and foll alt row.
Work 1 row.
Cast off rem 12 (12, 12, 12, 12,
14) sts.
Slip next st (centre st) onto a thread
or safety pin and leave for neckband.
With right side facing, join yarn to rem
54 (56, 59, 62, 64, 67) sts for right
side of neck and knit to end.
Dec one st at neck edge in every foll
alt row until 45 (43, 45, 46, 45, 46)
sts rem, then in every foll 4th row
until 34 (34, 36, 38, 38, 40) sts
Work 8 rows.

Shape Shoulder
Cast off 11 (11, 12, 13, 13, 13) sts
at beg of next row and foll alt row.
Work 1 row.
Cast off rem 12 (12, 12, 12, 12,
14) sts.

Using 3.00mm needles, cast on
65 (67, 69, 73, 75, 77) sts.
Work 24 rows rib as for Back.
Change to 3.75mm needles.
Work 4 rows stocking st.
Row 5: K2, M1, knit to last 2 sts, M1,
K2. 67 (69, 71, 75, 77, 79) sts.
Cont in stocking st, inc one st (as
before) at each end of every foll 4th
(4th, 4th, 4th, 4th, 2nd) row until
there are 69 (75, 95, 111, 131, 87)

sts, then in every foll 6th (6th, 6th,
6th, 6th, 4th) row until there are 107
(111, 119, 127, 135, 143) sts.
Cont without further shaping until
Sleeve measures 48cm (or length
desired) from beg, ending with a
purl row.

Shape Top
Cast off 4 (5, 6, 7, 8, 9) sts at beg
of next 2 rows. 99 (101, 107, 113,
119, 125) sts.
Dec one st at each end of next row,
then in every foll alt row until 53 (53,
57, 69, 73, 81) sts rem, then in every
row until 23 sts rem.
Cast off 3 sts at beg of next 4 rows.
Cast off rem 11 sts.

Join right shoulder seam. With right
side facing and using 3.00mm
needles, knit up 68 (68, 70, 70, 72,
72) sts evenly along left side of neck,
K1 (centre st) from thread or safety
pin, knit up 68 (68, 70, 70, 72, 72)
sts evenly along right side of neck
to shoulder, then knit across sts from
back stitch-holder. 178 (182, 188,
190, 198, 200) sts.
Row 1: * K1, P1, rep from * to end.
Row 2: Rib to within 2 sts of centre
st, ybk, sl 1, K1, psso, K1 (centre st),
K2tog, rib to end. 176 (180, 186,
188, 196, 198) sts.
Row 3: Rib to within 2 sts of centre
st, K2tog, P1 (centre st), K2tog tbl, rib
to end. 174 (178, 184, 186, 194,
196) sts.
Rep 2nd and 3rd rows 4 times. 158
(162, 168, 170, 178, 180) sts, 11
rows rib in all.
Cast off loosely in rib.

Do not press. Join left shoulder and
neckband seam. Join side and sleeve
seams. Sew in sleeves.

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Man’s Jumper with Set In Sleeves

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