MaximumPC 2002 09

(Dariusz) #1

Give Windows a

When you can’t fi x it. When you can’t repair it. When you can’t even

boot, it’s time to reinstall your OS—the right way. We’ll show you how



Clean start. OS reset. Nuke and pave. Whatever you call

it, no matter how good a personal system administrator

you are, there’s a time to take your OS install out behind

the shed and put two in its head.

When would you need to take such extreme mea-

sures? If the networking stack is splayed out on the fl oor

and no amount of patching, registry editing, or Winsock

repair tools can fi x it. If you can’t get hibernate or stand-

by to work anymore. Or if you’ve had a horrible mal-

ware or rootkit breakout. Sure, you may have reclaimed

control of your PC aft er an epic fi ve-day battle with the

beast, but can you really trust your OS anymore? You

don’t want to reenact the fi nal sequence from The Thing ,

you and your PC eyeing one another wondering if the

other is not what he seems to be.

A clean start is the only way to relieve your para-

noia. It can also save you countless hours of trouble-

shooting and tweaking a misbehaving machine. Fol-

low along as we instruct you on the proper way to do

a clean install—whether you’re using XP or Vista—that

will have your OS acting like the young pup it once was.

Plus, we’ll show you how to create a pristine image of

your OS that’ll save your bacon the next time your rig

melts down.
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