MaximumPC 2002 09

(Dariusz) #1




Back up every machine

in your home and

stream your media to

any room


here’s a lot to be excited about when
you consider the features Windows
Home Server offers out of the box—
primarily, automated backup of all your
desktop and mobile machines and media
streaming to every room in your house. HP
builds on this goodness with a second-

generation WHS product that boasts both
improved hardware and a supercharged
features list.
When we reviewed HP’s fi rst foray into
the world of Windows Home Server last
year, we were optimistic about the future
of the platform but a bit underwhelmed
by the performance of the little box. Since
then, the Home Server soft ware has gone
through some teething pains, including
a horrifi c bug that corrupted users’ fi les
(since corrected with the fi rst Service Pack
for the Home Server soft ware).
To the base that Windows Home Server
provides, HP has added a ton of powerful
new features, including a much-improved
media streamer; an iTunes streaming
server; the ability to back up OS X–based
machines using Time Machine; online back-
up for crucial fi les; integration with photo-

sharing services, including Picasa, Flickr,
and Facebook; and the HP Media Collector,
which scans your client computers and
automatically copies new photos, music, or
videos to the Home Server. Typically, we’re
not fans of the heavily customized shov-
elware that comes with OEM hardware,
but in this instance, HP has added genuine
value to the Home Server platform with
these soft ware enhancements. The Media
Collector is especially valuable because it
pulls photos from our client machines to
the server automatically—a huge benefi t,
and one that’s not built into the core Win-
dows Home Server functionality.
On the hardware front, the EX487
features a beefier configuration than the
first-gen MediaSmart. Instead of an AMD
Turion processor, 512MB of RAM, and a
pair of 500GB drives, the new hardware
boasts a 2GHz single-core Intel Celeron
paired with 2GB of RAM and a pair of
750GB drives. There are two bays in the
EX487 free for expansion, in addition
to an eSATA port and four USB ports.
Despite the beefier hardware, the machine
remains very quiet. It was inaudible in a
typical living room environment.
While this isn’t enough of an advance
to consider it a sophomore effort, it’s
definitely spring semester of freshman
year, and things are looking pretty good
for Home Server. – W I L L S M I T H

HP’s second-gen Home
Server looks like the
original, but inside are
four hot-swappable SATA
bays, a 2GHz Celeron, and
2GB of RAM.

86 | MAXIMUMPC | FEB 09 |



+ -




Better hardware,
corruption issues are
fixed, and the HP add-
ons are kick ass.

We’d like a multicore
edition to empower
video-streaming apps
like TVersity.




Best scores are bolded. To measure home server transfer speeds, we copy a 1,705MB H.264-encoded video fi le from a desktop machine hard-
wired to the server and back using the Windows browser.

MediaSmart MediaSmart
EX487 EX475
Upload Transfer 47.4 43.0
Rate (MB/s)
Download Transfer 65.6 40.5
Rate (MB/s)

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