Australian Knitting — April 2015

(Axel Boer) #1

Row 3: K2, M1, knit to last 2 sts, M1,
K2. 36 (38, 38, 40, 42) sts.
Cont in St st, inc one st (as before) at
each end of every foll 6th (6th, 4th,
4th, 4th) row until there are 54 (56,
42, 44, 46) sts, then in every foll 8th
(8th, 6th, 6th, 6th) row until there are
58 (60, 62, 64, 66) sts.
Cont without further inc until Sleeve
measures 48cm from beg, ending with
a purl row.

Shape Top
Cast off 8 (8, 9, 9, 9) sts at beg of
next 6 rows.
Cast off rem 10 (12, 8, 10, 12) sts.

Using mattress stitch, join shoulder
seams. With RS facing, using a set of
7.00mm double-pointed needles and
beg at left shoulder seam, knit up 28
(30, 30, 31, 31) sts evenly along left
side of front neck, knit up 28 (30, 30,
31, 31) sts evenly along right side of
front neck to shoulder seam, knit up
10 sts evenly along right side of back
neck, knit across sts from back stitch-
holder, then knit up 10 sts evenly
along left side of back neck. 94 (100,
100, 104, 104) sts.
1st round: Knit.
Cast off loosely.

Do not press. Placing centre of sleeve
to shoulder seam, sew in sleeves
evenly between coloured threads. Join
side and sleeve seams.

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