Australian Knitting — April 2015

(Axel Boer) #1

Australian Knitting 9

16th – 17th May 2015 2nd Annual
Wool Festival,Valley Ford Wool Mill,
Valley Ford, CA USA
16th – 23rd May 2015 New England
Knitting Cruise with Lily Chin Canada
& New England Canada
17th May 2015 Highland Fibre
Artists Fibre Fair Webster County
Fairgrounds, Marshfield, MO USA
17th May 2015 Spring Fibre Day
Farm Wool Shop, Mt. Bruce Station,
Romeo, MI USA

17th May 2015 Wool Fiber Arts
Fair Washington Conservation Club,
Washington IN USA
28th May 2015 – 1st June 2015
The National Needlearts Association
Summer Trade Show Columbus, OH -
31st August 2015 – 5th September
2015 Maine Knitting Cruise Schooner
J&E Riggin, Rockland, ME, USA –www.

Australian and New Zealand Shows

20th – 24th May 2015 W.A Craft &
Quilt Fair Perth Convention, Exhibition
Centre, Perth.
1st February – 6th December 2015
Shabby Chic Market Day Rochester
Villa, Christchurch City, Christchurch,
New Zealand
Stalls of vintage items, linens, clothes,
costumes, jewels, collectables,
retro, kitsch and kitchen, antiques,
craftworks, furniture, restored,
revamped and recycled items. Books,
toys, bric-a-brac. Devonshire Teas
6th February 2015 – 6th June 2015
Antiques, Collectables and Crafts
Market Meeanee Hall, Napier,
Hawkes Bay, New Zealand

The Antiques, Collectables & Craft
Market is getting bigger and better
and outgrown the Bay View Hotel so
moved to the more central location
at Meeanee Hall This regular monthly
market is mostly indoors, providing.
17th – 21st June 2015 NSW Craft &
Quilt Fair Sydney Exhibition Centre,
Glebe Island, Sydney
11th January 2015 – 11th July
2015 Raglan Creative Market Old
School Arts Centre, Raglan, Waikato,
New Zealand. Whaingaroa local kai
and art
10th - 12th July 2015 Tasmania
Craft & Quilt Fair Silverdome,

Overseas Shows and Events


‘Circular Knitting Workshop’ by
Margaret Radcliffe and published
by Storey Publishing - according
to the cover: ’circular knitting
is efficient, convenient, and
fascinating too, with Margaret
Radcliffe’s detailed, step-by-step
instructions’. Check this author out
Follow Margaret Radcliffe on
Facebook Follow magsrags at

‘Keep Calm And Cast On’ –
Erica Knight Some good advice for
knitters in this small, quirky book.
Published by Quadrille Publishing

‘At Knits End’ by Stephanie Pearl-
McPhee (The Yarn Harlot) This little
book has some great advice for
the obsessive knitter - indeed her
tangled reflections on the knitter’s
life will keep you in stitches and
unravel your tensions!

Finally, spotted this quote on the Internet that about sums up knitting and knitters!

Glorious accessories – Beads and Bows

‘Properly practiced, knitting soothes the troubled spirit, and it
doesn’t hurt the untroubled spirit either’ Elizabeth Zimmermann,
writer and knitter (1910 – 1999)
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