V8X Supercar — November-December 2017

(Grace) #1
TURNS 3-4-5
These series of corners could be the most impressive
section of the track. The right-left-right sweepers will
have Newcastle beach as its background and begins the
run downhill, drawing comparisons to the series of fast
kinks on the back section of Surfers Paradise.

TURNS 6-7-8
The trio of 90-degree corners take the track back
towards Nobbys Beach and will be the slowest section
on the circuit. The corners will be similar to the city
section of the Adelaide street track.

The run back towards Nobby Beach isn’t exactly
straight, so the Supercars are likely to run single file
from the exit of turn eight into the turn-nine sweeper
with an entry speed of 200km/h-plus in the purpose-
built section of the track.

This fast left-hander along Nobbys Beach resembles the
infamous turn eight in Adelaide, setting up the main
overtaking opportunity into turn 10.

The left-hand sweeper gets tighter and tighter into
turn 10, where the majority of overtakes are likely to
happen, especially given the big run-off area and ability
to take multiple lines into and exiting the corner. Some
have compared the corner to final right-hander
leading onto pit straight at Albert Park and
the parkland section of Townsville.

Drivers won’t have long
to sort themselves
out at the exit
of turn 10,
with the
tight right-
hander of turn
11 leading into the
left-hander sweeper onto
the pit straight.

The Supercars are expected to reach around 200km/h
at the end of pit straight along Wharf Road. The pit
complex faces the Hunter River and will provide a
picturesque backdrop to the front straight.

A slight right-hand kink leads into the first left-hander
into Watt Street. Exit speed will be key given the long
uphill run to turn two. The run into turn one could be
tight and troublesome at the start of the races.

Another long run will see the Supercars exceed the
200km/h mark. The uphill run takes the track into the
centre of Newcastle with tall buildings on either side.

The second corner shapes as the first overtaking
opportunity following the longest straight on
the track. The tight uphill left-hander is
a 90-degree entry but gets tighter
on exit, leading into a series of
sweepers, similar to the
first hairpin at the
Surfers Paradise
street track.


Scan to take an aerial
view of the Newcastle
Street Circuit.
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